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Three Years Later~~~

Chanhee stood at the balcony, gazing at the evening city view and enjoying the chilly breeze. Then he felt arms engulfing him into warmth.

Chanhee hummed when a pair of lips traced along his shoulders, moving up to his neck. He hummed and rested his head back onto his boyfriend's chest.

"It's cold out here. You should come in." Kevin murmured.

"I just needed to clear my head. Get some fresh air."

"That's cause you didn't listen to me when I said to get out of your den. You've been cooped up inside for weeks."

Chanhee pouted. Kevin tilted his head and stared at him lovingly. He pressed his lips onto Chanhee's cheek and bit it.

"Yah!" Chanhee yelled, glaring at Kevin who giggled back.

"Come on. Dinner's ready." He said.

Chanhee yelped when Kevin lifted him up and carried him back into the apartment that the two shared.

Yes, the two have been dating happily for three years. It had been over a year since they decided to live together. Kevin was ecstatic when Chanhee accepted his proposal.

Kevin put Chanhee down on his chair at the dining counter. Chanhee looked at the warm noodle soup in front of him. He took a sniff and grinned.

"As always, it smells great." Chanhee gave Kevin a thumps up.

"It tastes great too. Now, eat up."

Chanhee smiled and dug in. Kevin also had a bite then he looked back up at Chanhee. More specifically, the couple ring on Chanhee's finger.

A smile never failed to decorate his face whenever he saw the ring adorning Chanhee's finger.

It wasn't his usual charming smile but a content smile. The kind Kevin only had when he was with Chanhee.

Chanhee looked up at that moment, a noodle strand dangling out his lips. He slurped it in, still staring at Kevin with wide confused eyes.

"Why are you smiling at me like that?" Chanhee asked.

Kevin grabbed a tissue and dabbed away the soup on Chanhee's chin. He nudged his head at Chanhee's right hand. Chanhee looked at his hand and realized Kevin was referring to the ring. He wriggled his fingers.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Chanhee grinned.

Kevin was still staring at Chanhee. The content smile never leaving his face.

"Yes. Beautiful."

Juyeon sat in his seat at the head of the cubicle row. He was leaning back, his jacket covered his face. He was trying to get a few winks before official work hours. 

Not that there were any actual official work hours. He was just trying to get some rest before chaos came. 

"Good morning! CAPTAIN!"

"SHUT YOUR TRAP! It's early morning."

And the chaos arrived. Juyeon sighed and removed the jacket, throwing it onto the coat rack. It hang down perfectly. 

"Good morning, Eric." He greeted.

Eric gave him a bright smile and salute. Juyeon turned to the other man taking his seat.

"Morning, Sunwoo." 

"Morning, captain." Sunwoo's greeting was brief as always.

"I brought you coffee." Eric said, placing Juyeon's mug on his desk.

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