Twenty One

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A/N: So this book might not be too long. 

Juyeon, Eric and Sunwoo clinked their glasses together with a cheer. Sunwoo downed his soju in one shot and winced at the sharp bitterness. Eric slapped his back and laughed when Sunwoo sent him a glare.

"You need to mix beer and soju. Come here." 

Eric proceeded to make the drink for Sunwoo. He slammed the glass down in front of Sunwoo. Juyeon ate a chicken drum as he watched Sunwoo and Eric down another glass.

"Take it easy." Juyeon warned. He also took a swig of his beer.

"We just finished two cases in a row! I think that's enough to celebrate." Eric said.

"I know. I'm just worried whether you two can get back to the dorms later." Juyeon chuckled.

"No worries! We are strong drinkers." Sunwoo said, patting hard at his chest.

Eric nodded fast and refilled their glasses enthusiastically. The two were gonna go all out tonight. 

Reason? It's Juyeon's treat.

They talked and ate. But Juyeon's mind was elsewhere. 

He still remembered Yunho's file on his father back at his place. He had meant to read through it but was busy. And further more, what Chanhee informed him about Kevin.

Even if the case was closed, Juyeon couldn't shake off the feeling that Kevin was still involved somehow. He wasn't sure what to focus on first, his father's case or Chanhee's.

Sunwoo kept glancing at Juyeon nervously. He did ignore Juyeon's orders not to investigate Chanhee. He felt stupid when the assassin confessed. 

"Umm... Hyung? I have something to come clean about." Sunwoo said.

Juyeon nodded for him to continue. He was still thinking about his own matters. Eric knew what Sunwoo was going to talk about so he stayed quiet. He pretended to be busy on his phone.

"I actually did that background research on Chanhee. I just had to because I couldn't stay still without doing anything. And I know it was stupid and-"

"So what did you find out?" 

"I know I was stupid and I- wait what?" Sunwoo stopped rambling and looked at Juyeon. Eric also looked up, interested.

"I knew you were going to do it whether I say yes or no. So what did you find out?" Juyeon said calmly.

Sunwoo blinked a few times and glanced at Eric who had the same surprised look. Eric shrugged and put down his phone. 

"Okay. So, I found out Choi Chanhee was an orphan from a young age. His parents got killed during a burglary. He had a little brother." 

"I see, and did you get to know about the brother?"

"Not much. The only thing I got to know about him is that he got adopted while Chanhee didn't. Might be because most folks prefer younger kids. Chanhee was very sad he was left alone. He didn't interact much with the others either. The nun I talked to doesn't know much."

Juyeon nodded. Sunwoo popped a pickle into his mouth and continued.

"The nun said she only met Chanhee for a few weeks before he moved away. You see, the orphanage caught on fire just after she arrived. So the surviving kids were either adopted or the older ones moved away on their own. She says most of the facility members didn't survive."

"That's sad. What happened?" Eric asked with a small pout.

"A reckless fire started in the kitchen." Sunwoo replied.

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