Twenty Seven

196 17 41

A/N: Lemme drop this chapter. *clears throat* *looks left and right* Ok, coast is clear. *Runs away* ε=ε=ε=┏(゜ロ゜;)┛

Jacob sat inside the interrogation room calmly. He answered every question Juyeon imposed. Eric was recording it in the laptop on the side. Sunwoo was with Hyunjae in the other room looking into the interrogation room. 

Sunwoo glanced at Hyunjae. The man looked serious unlike most of the time. Sunwoo understood him though. It was his friend. Who wouldn't be shocked?

Imagine if Eric was the killer, Sunwoo would freak out. But then it was more likely Sunwoo was a killer since he had been close to actually killing Eric on several occasions. One notable event consisting of a knife being dropped between his toes. 

"What did you see in the camera footage?" Hyunjae suddenly asked.

Sunwoo hesitated. The footage was clear evidence that Jacob committed the murder. 

"Jacob was seen going in and coming out just after the murder was committed. He... also had a knife hidden away in his coat." 

Hyunjae's expression didn't change. Sunwoo was thinking whether he had given up on his friend. 

Unknown to Sunwoo, Jacob wasn't just a friend for Hyunjae. Right now, as he watched Jacob answer the questions, Hyunjae realized one thing.

Jacob wasn't the actual culprit. But he was pretending to be. Jacob knew who it was because he answered everything perfectly, checking out everything in the box. 

Hyunjae knew because he was in love with Jacob. And he was going to prove him innocent. 

Juyeon had kept questioning Jacob because he knew Hyunjae was watching. He also knew Hyunjae couldn't believe it. 

He thought of Chanhee. He would be shocked to know about Jacob. Finally, the whole set of interrogation ended, with Jacob giving perfect answers to everything. Juyeon leant forward to ask one last question.

"Why did you leave those 'N' and 'Y' marks on the bodies? What do they mean?" 

Jacob didn't meet eye contact with Juyeon the whole interrogation. But with this question, he lifted up his head. His eyes darted elsewhere with hidden nervousness. Kevin hadn't told him anything about the letters.

He swallowed hard, thinking about the reasons. Then, he smirked. 

"Cause I wanted to blame it on Chanhee. 'N' for New and that 'Y' is actually just a cross. He has a cross tattooed on his finger." Jacob said it with no hesitancy. 

Juyeon stared at him in disappointment. Chanhee didn't deserve this kind of friend. He got up abruptly, startling Eric in the room. Juyeon pressed on the mic button and talked to Sunwoo through it.

"Sunwoo, come in and wrap it up." 

With that, he left the room. Eric glanced at the quiet Jacob unsurely and turned to the one way mirror for help. He couldn't see Sunwoo on the other side but he knew he was there. 

Just a minute later, Sunwoo came in. The two of them wrapped up the interrogation with the usual protocol. 

"Is Hyunjae still watching?" Jacob asked out of the blue.

"He left after Juyeon." Sunwoo replied. 

Jacob nodded. He still felt sorry for Hyunjae. He wasn't supposed to be involved in all this mess he indulged himself in. 

The two detectives stood up as they collected their things. Just as they were about to leave the room, Jacob called after them. Sunwoo and Eric glanced at each other then, turned to Jacob.

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