[Book 2] Chapter 5

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I was going to post this chapter early this week, because of it being the always-wonderful- Charlotte's birthday yesterday, I was debating with myself whether it would be a nice extra birthday present since she says that she "likes" this "book" but I stood my ground and said to myself "No! Cause you haven't wrote the next chapter and you need to be at least two chapters ahead before you can post."

So yeah, posted normally.

But! It was still Charlotte's birthday yesterday, go to her page and send her a message saying "Happy Bite-day! Get it, cause of zombies!! xD"

Ohh I'm so funny, and sexy, and perfect. WHY AM I NOT FAMOUS?!?! (I joke!)

Anyway, yeah, go say hi and make her day after birthday.


Bubbles of awesomeness! 



Day 2.

Dun dun dun! I can't believe we've even survived this long if I'm honest, strangely we haven't had many run in's with the walkers other than a few on their own, we haven't come across any groups, the largest amount we've seen together was maybe 5, it's so scary.

I forgot how bad it was out here on the field, I forgot how cautious one has to be in order to survive. Charlotte has been taking extra measures of safety then we did last time, we're only allowed to move around during the early mornings and the late nights, we have to sleep at the tops of high trees and one of us must always take shifts even at the top of the trees.

Demi's really good at climbing trees, she shoots up them as if she's simply climbing a set of stairs, Charlotte never far behind her while Ben and I are the straglers, just sat on the bottom branches, exhaling and inhaling as if we just ran three consecutive marathons.

It's surprising how often I keep writing in you diary, I'm glad that I do though, it makes me feel less lonely on this horrible journey. I may be surrounded by three of my friends yet I couldn't feel more lonely. I don't talk to Ben, I yell at him because he's an arsehole, he may be doing all this shit because he's mad at me for choosing Daryl over the group but he's going way to far, even Charlotte and Demi haven't mentioned him once to me.

They know I love him, why doesn't Ben?

Speaking of Daryl, I have no idea how he's reacting to my leaving, obviously he probably discovered our disappearance with the rest of the group early yesterday morning but... I just don't know. Perhaps he despises me, or maybe he's sick with worry.

I hope it's neither. I hope he just doesn't care because if I die he won't be stuck with all the anger or sadness and he can just live on.

I'm so happy that I met him, I- We- if we had met at a different time, I think the two of us could've gone far, I already gave him the last thing I had left, my innocence, and I don't regret it. If I'm honest, all I regret is not doing it sooner.

It was awesome!

The only bad thing is that now I'm a sex obsessed fool who can't think of anything but Daryl's bare chest beneath me, his long muscular legs wrapped around me, holding me tightly, sliding his finger down my- Oh god!! I need to stop this now!

I'm going to go insane if I don't see him soon.

Right... Well... This is Payton signing of, I'll right again tomorrow.

I closed my book slowly then ran my fingers down the fabric of the cover as I yawned. Sleeping in trees isn't as comfortable as I would've hoped, so even when it wasn't my turn on duty I couldn't get to sleep but then again, neither could Charlotte so I just spoke to her most of the time.

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