Chapter 15

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[Paytons POV]

As I raised the next morning all I could feel was pain, not sad pain, hurting pain.

I guess I forgot to see to what I did to myself yesterday.

I quickly grabbed a towel, stripped down and began to walk down the attic stairs to the third floor bathroom. I saw the door so picked up speed a little, the towel clinging to my body. As I stared at myself whilst changing (DIRTY >:( Don't be gross, Charlotte!!) I noticed dried blood all over me, my arms, legs, stomach, chest and most importantly, all dried in my hair making me smell super bad.

I opened the door and smiled when it was unlocked, there were 2 showers in this room and the door only gets locked if both showers are occupied, but I didn't hear any running water already so left the door unlocked.

I walked to the shower on the left and closed the small curtain Eugene put up and removed my towel, hiding it behind the shower, don't want anyone stealing it like Charlotte for revenge on the pranks I play on her!

As I stepped into the shower, I looked at the several shampoos, conditioners and body washes on offer.

For a group without very many supplies there pretty fucking stocked up!

I just grabbed a normal Coconut flavour for all three and smiled. I love Coconut!

I was about to turn on the water when the shower curtain was pulled back and another naked person walked in.

A screamed loudly, trying to cover my self up, whilst trying not to stare at the sexy abs that were ahead, I looked up and gawped when I saw the one person I didn't want it to be.

'DARYL!!! GET OUT!!!' I screamed.

He paniced and turned as fast as he could but slipped up falling and landing on his arse, he hissed in pain and snarled angrilly, I quickly jumped out the shower, grabbed my towel and wrapped it around myself.

'Why were you looking in my shower?!' I snapped.

He growled. 'I didn't know, the water wasn't running.'

'You have a shower on your floor, use that one!'

'Its full, two people showering.' He blushed red as I lifted him to his feet but he still rubbed at his painfully... perked... sexy as... arse.

Shit! Shut up, Payton! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!

'Get out! Go put a towel on! Gross! Permanent image!!' I growled, well if I'm honest I kind of like the idea of naked Daryl in my head.


I mentally slapped myself as I pushed him out, shutting the shower curtain.

'Payton, wait!! About yesterday I-'

'Yesterday. Never. Happened. Wasn't that our deal?! I punched at the curtain and heard him step back. 'Now go take a shower, you really stink.'

'Says you, you have dried blood staining you for a second I thought you were a red indian when I caught you.'

'You didn't see anything.' I snapped.

'Keep telling yourself that.' He chuckled but I heard his footsteps as he walked to the over shower.

'My little fingers bigger than your willy!!!' I blurted.

'You must have an abnormally large little finger then.'



'I am not frigid!!!' I screamed.

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