[Book 2] Chapter 39

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[Payton's POV]

When the guard locked me in the garden, at first I didn't know what to do, I threw myself against the door first and punched it over and over again. 

I called out but all I could hear was the guards fleeting footsteps.

'Fuck sake.' I growled, a trickle of sweat slipped down my face and I quickly wiped it away. 'What am I supposed to do now?'

'Hello...' A voice called out to me. 'Is someone there?'

I frowned but didn't turn around as I thought to myself. Hang on, did someone just speak? I shook my head, obviously, because it was probably just my own mind playing tricks on me.

Then the voice came again.

'Payton?' It called. 'Is that Payton?'

I turned around, that time I knew it wasn't my imagination, and I ran into the garden, when I reached the voice, I took a step back and had to turn away just as I instinctively vomited at the sight in front of me.

The acid burned my throat and drops fell onto my shoes but I couldn't stop the vomit because what I saw was disgusting.

Charlotte was tied up, it was her that called me I realised, her face was banged up and her clothing was cut, then beside her was Eugene. He was even more beat up, his limbs were cut up and bruised but... His body was strung up into the air, being held up by nails.

He was crucified just like Jesus Christ was.

'Is this how sick Paul is?' I whispered to myself as I turned back to face them, Eugene's eyes were closed and his head was slumped back against the cross and Charlotte was looking at me, like I'd forgotten something or like I'd just ignored something she just said, which confused me.

I looked down at my feet and immediately fell forward as a dead body laid maybe two metres in front of me. The body of someone I loved.

'Ben...' I whispered, crawling towards his body, his back was facing upwards and I could see his insides through the wound, a stab wound. 'Benjamin Long, you sit up and you answer me right now.'

I pulled his body up onto my lap, flipping him so that his face was looking up at me, but his eyes were closed, they may have been closed because they were so swollen that he had no choice, but this time that wasn't the case.

This time, his eyes were closed... because his heart had stopped, his body was dead.

'Ben...' I whispered again, pulling him into hug, I pushed my face into his shoulders and tears fell. 

'It was Paul...' I heard Charlotte whisper. 'He did this to us, him and his group.'

'Why did this happen?' I cried but my words were a mere mumble through Ben. 'Why would they do this to you, Ben? How could they hurt you?'

'Payton, I'm sorry to interrupt you, but can you come until me so I can get Eugene down please?' Charlotte whimpered.

I didn't move much, I just twisted my head to face away from her direction, cuddling Ben's tall body into mine, I reached up my hand and twisted my fingers into his long blonde hair as the tears kept coming. How could anyone do this? Why do people accept it? Charlotte said Paul and his group did this...

How coul anyone stand by and watch someone like Ben die? Someone who helped them.

He was a doctor. He looked after them,

We all helped them.

We helped them with chores.

We helped them scavange for food.

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