Chapter 11

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[Paytons POV]

The next morning I woke up to the most delicious smell I've smelt in such a long time.

So delicious my mouth began to water.

'Wakey wakey, lazy bones!!' A loud voice stung my ears.

I snarled as I sat up. 'Charlotte!! Bitch!!'

'Ease up, come on, breakfast is waiting down stairs and if my nose is correct, bacon and eggs.' She laughed and pulled at my cover, pulling it away from me.

I yawned. 'That was the best sleep I've had in a while.'

'I know right, we slept for 15 hours.'

I nodded and stood from the best just as more pain shot through. 'Ouch! I forgot to see Eugene about that cream to ease the pain, I best go now.'

Charlotte nodded and grabbed my hand, pulling me out and down the three flights of stairs.

We reached the bottum and I sighed in pleasure as the smell intoxicated me, it was even better down here.

I walked to the kitchen and noticed Eugene stood there over a pan of bacon.

'Morning.' He smiled.

'Morning. Umm... I hate to be trouble but do you have anything which could help my shoulder?'

'What happened?' He smiled and walked over to a draw pulling out the first thing he saw.

'I... Ummm.... Landed on it funny and it really, really hurts.'

'Ahh is that part of the reason why you punched Daryl?' He snickered.

'Umm Yes. Sorry to already cause a lot of trouble. I just act on instinct.'

'Its alright, he needs someone to do that, but I know Daryl is a much better hunter than I am so I wouldn't take my chances against him.' Eugene shrugged. 'So thanks, he went straight to his room after he got here and I haven't seen him so I'm guessing you knocked something into him.'

I nodded as I took the cream from him and squrted a bit onto my hand then onto the now multicoloured bruise.

'Ouch, thats nasty, he really did drop you quite harsh.' Eugene hissed and stepped closer.

'Yeah... Thanks. I'm alright now though, Umm... Just so you know, I'll be in the woods most of the day today, making new arrows and just taking in the sunshine.' I muttered.

'Thats fine, just hollah if you need help, like if theres a walker or something, we'll come running.'

'Thanks. By the way. Wheres the rest of the group?'

'Still sleeping, most of the group stay up late at night and wake up at 11am. Others like lay-ins, except me, I don't need much sleep to be fully charged.' He grinned and held his arms up in the air, triuphantly.

I chuckled. 'Ok. Well if I see any animals in the woods I'll grab them.'

'Ok. But don't bring it in, take it round the back in the shed, kids and women here don't need the image of a poor deer being chopped up into little bits.'

'I doubt I'll get a deer.' I nodded and walked away.

'Don't you want breakfast?'

'Nahh, I'll get something small when I get back. Oh shit... I need a new bow. Balls... I'll have to make a new one.' I sighed.

I walked to the hallway and saw our gun bag hanging up high on the hangers. I reached in and pulled out my sword and two pocket knives.

I looked around and smiled, this place truly was beautiful, but I didn't take it in anymore I just opened the front door, stepped out, slamming it shut behind me.

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