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[Charlottes POV]

I ran up the stairs to Daryl and grabbed him by his collar then dragged him to the staircase and slammed him hard down against it, his eyes burst open as he hissed in pain.

'What is your problem?' He snapped.

'YOU!' I cried out. 'You are INSANE!!! PYSCHO!!!'

'Hardly.' He scoffed rubbing at his back.

'You shot a 7 year old boy in the thigh.' I growled. 'Then fainted, you're insane and quite franically a dickhead. You'll be out of this group by morning, kicked out and then it's you who'll suffer the consequences of your actions. Not us anymore.'

I stood to my feet and smirked slightly before slamming my foot up and forward between his legs and smashing right into his do-hicky.

'That's mine and Paytons signature move when it comes to barehanded. Feel blessed you disgusting piece of shit!!'

Suddenly, hands wrapped around my waist and pulled my to the side.

'No! I have to do this!' I snarled.

'It's not a ladys job.' Eugenes familiar irish tone filled my ears like a melody. 'Let me.'

Suddenly, he let me go and slammed his fist forward right into Daryl's face, he instantly fell back against the stairs from the blow forcefully as I gasped in shock.

Eugene pulled his hand back and shook it from the hardness of the blow.

'Take that as a warning. You will stay away from the group until we call you down for our decision on whether you can remain here. You are a danger to the group and we see fit to remove all possible dangers.'

I snarled at Daryl and stepped away from him, still clutching Eugenes hand, Eugene was soon to follow and we settled ourselves in the living room where the rest of the group were sat around, completely silent.

'He's going to be ok.' Eugene whispered. 'Charlotte has done everything she can do now all we have to do is let time do some healing.'

'But Eugene...' The youngest adult here whispered.

Her name was Janine and she was a single 18 year old girl who originally moved here from Russia on her own and has been ever since, she barely ever converses with anyone in the group as she is a very anti-social person.

'We don't have time anymore. Each day goes slowly and we have a battle here at least once a month. We don't have the time he needs. Lets face it everyone... Theres no way we're going to get saved from this... We fight and die, some survive only to die in the next battle we come across... We have to be careful and Daryl has just rang the walkers dinner bell. If they haven't done already a bet dozens of walkers are clawing at the perimeter trying to get at the meat.'

Eugene sighed and stared at Janine, the children began to weap into their parents chests as she spoke softly and sadly.

'There has to be something.' I whispered. 'There isn't over 7 billion people in this world and not one single base which is untouchable to walkers.'

'There was over 7 billion people, Charlotte. Was. And a large percentage of them were snobby, selfish pricks who care nothing more for sex and money.' Debra whimpered.

'Wait a tick...' Eugene whispered. 'Janine... What did you say about walkers?'

'They are drawn by sound and have very sensitive hearing. Add the fact that a gun is very loud on it's own I'm going to say that any walker within 5 miles from here heard it and are on their way here for lunchies.' She whispered. 'The likelyness is they will burst through the perimeter fence and, cover the children ears if you would, we're all basically f-u-c-k-e-d.

Me Vs Zombies [Book 1 & 2]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن