Chapter 3

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We drove down a long country road and I was already seriously pissed off. Since we took off only 10 minutes ago Charlotte was bringing up the most stupid of topics like ''Maybe one day when this all over we will be famous, famous zombie killers.'' and ''Maybe we'll find some super hot guys and still get to grow old and die surrounded by grandchildren.''

Seriously?! I can't believe she still had hope, I mean, THERE IS NO HOPE!!!


'Shut up, Charlotte!' I snapped. 'You are seriously pissing me off.'

'What?! Don't you have hope anymore? I remember when you first saw Luke turn your hope was skyrocketing ''I'm sure theres a cure'' and ''we can do it, get up off your fat asses and we can win!'' where did all that go?' She snapped back.

'I grew up. I stopped living in fantasy world.' I growled. 'I realised that the Walkers... Zombies... Whatever the hell people call you do what they want and they are stronger than us, they are winning Charlotte.' I screamed.

'Maybe so but soon we'll catch up and shoot them suckers down.' She giggled.

'Still smiling? Well at least you'll die a happy fool.'

'Payton? Stop it! Your family would hate this attitude of you!' Charlotte suddenly shouted. 'They'd want you to at least try to stay alive and fix this seriously screwed up world.'

'Well... Do you know what Charlotte? THEY'RE DEAD! They don't have a say anymore!'

Charlotte turned away from me and stared out the window. 'You really have given up haven't you?'

'No fucking shit!'

*** 10 very silent miles later ***

'And its dark on a cold december, but I got you to keep warm, if your broken I'll mend you and I'll keep you shelted from the storm thats raging on!!!' I sang slowly.

'Ed Sheeran?' Charlotte whispered.


'I miss your singing. You used to sing all the time and you're a great singer.' She sighed.

I nodded. 'Thanks. I miss when you used to tell me stories... Ones about the war we weren't even born in or before. You're stories were so well researched and entertaining.'

I muttered it slowly because I didn't really like reflecting on the past.

'I miss your flirty attitude. Your hyped up attitude, like you were constantly high on red bull or something. I also miss your desperation when it came to Ben...'

Ben... Such an old name.

He was blonde and his hair dangled in his face, he had bright blue eyes but many confused them for green. I don't see how! They were fucking blue! FULL STOP!

I had a crush on him for a while and I loved to flirt really over the top with him. It annoyed him to no end but that mostly why I did.

I used to love to see people annoyed or frustrated it brought me my own entertainment.

Wierd... I know.

'I remember... Do you remember your 14th birthday party?' I whispered.

'Oh yeah. Tegan wouldn't shut up so we couldn't read.' She laughed.

'Then we ran into your garden and played toy swords.'

She stared at me laughing, perhaps she hoped I was laughing or even smiling too.

No cigar.

My frown was fixed.

'That was a good day.'

Me Vs Zombies [Book 1 & 2]Where stories live. Discover now