[Book 2] Chapter 25

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What is this? A new chapter?! Nobby you amazing woman you! 

Yes, as always I'm sorry for going on another break but I've been very slow with this story so my writing is starting to overlap with my GCSE exams so I'm struggling to keep up with both, and to me GCSE's are more important so I focus on them! AND, I was sick so I've been sleeping non stop for the past 2 weeks... Yeah, sorry again.

Shout out for our ToxicSoap04 herself, she's started her own vlog channel, first one to the side, I'd love if you guys could just give her a try and help her out xD

[Charlotte's POV]

I ran my right hand through my long brown hair as I yanked the pony tail out with my left. Eugene stood a short distance behind me as we searched the Tesco car park, looking in the few cars that were still here.

Eugene had still not muttered a word to me, just strolled around behind me, one hand slung in his trousers the other curled around the trigger of his gun.

'You know you can talk to me...' I mumbled. 'I'm not going to kill you the second you start talking.'

'Right. 'Cause I'm the one in the wrong here...' Eugene mumbled back.

I chose to ignore his childish comment as we came close to another car, I looked through all the windows then reached in the open window to pull the door open.

The car made a buzzing sound as the locks came undone and I yanked the door open, I pulled my body into the passenger seat and searched the glove compartment.

'Nothing in here 'cept a few maps. Should I take them? They look to be maps of... South wales and west England... This car came a long way or was going a long way.' I muttered quietly to myself. 'I'll take them, in this world nothing's really planned so we may need them.'

I rumaged through the drawer furthur but discovered nothing else of use so pulled myself out the car, sighing to myself.

'Where did Payton go?' I asked aloud as I twisted and closed the car door.

'Where do you think she went?' Eugene mumbled. 'This is your hometown, less than a mile from both your old houses.'

I shrugged as I walked forward.

A few moments later, Eugene ran to catch up and walked in step with me just beside me. 'Why aren't you running? You can if you want, I won't stop you.'

'I left that house after I said my goodbyes, my farewells, I left three dead bodies in a bedroom... I don't want to see their corpses because it will spoil my memories and haunt my future.' I explained. 'I don't know if you could understand that, I don't really know that much about your old home to be honest and even that much about your family.'

'You know I'm Irish. You know I had a sister, and a niece, and a stuck-up mother... What else is there to know?'

'Simple things.' I muttered as I slapped my hands against my waist randomly. 'Things like what you did when your niece was born, how you reacted. How you felt when your mother kicked her out, why did you decide to move countries with your sister after? Things like that.'

'But that's just feelings and silly things.' Eugene muttered. 'In a world like that, silly things like that don't matter.'

'When I was 4, my elder brother locked me in a cupboard and then went out, I was stuck in that cupboard for 4 hours before my mother came home from work and found me crying and shivering. Since then I've always been afraid of confined spaces and darkness. How is that silly? You now know how to torture me in the worst way.'

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