Chapter 22

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The morning ritual of the sun waking me up took place every morning while I was at the Weasley's. And I didn't mind at all! It was way better than the cold interior at the Malfoy manner for sure!

" Cass! Breakfast!" Ginny called up from the kitchen, I had bunked in her room so I was on the second floor making it way easier for me to hear the calls from the Weasley's.

" Coming!" I shouted. With a smile on my face I flung my legs over my Mr Fizzybops ready made bed, and put my slippers and dressing gown on before rushing downstairs to the Sunday breakfast that actually wasn't prepared by house elf's.

" Morning Cassie dear," Mrs Weasley smiled as she placed a plate down at the table " Help yourself!"

" Morning Cass," Mr Weasley smiled in his usual seat at the table " Nice sleep?"

" The best!" I smiled as I sat next to Ginny.

" You always say that!" Ginny laughed.

" Cause it's always true." I smiled, and helped myself to the food that was on plates in the middle of the table.

" Where are those boys?" Mrs Weasley huffed, and placed her hands on her hips before walking over to the stairs " Boys! Breakfast is on the table!!" All of a sudden doors opened shut and a stampede of foot steps could be heard from any part of the house.

" Morning mum." Fred said, and kissed Mrs Weasley cheek as he came down the stairs.

" Morning mum." George said, rushing after Fred but made sure to give his mum a kiss on the cheek as well.

" Morning mum," Ron said rushing as well, but just like his brothers he paused to give his mum a kiss on the cheek " Morning Cass." Ron said ruffling my hair before sitting down next to me, and I rolled my eyes playfully in return. Expectedly Percy was the last one downstairs ( even though his bedroom was just on the floor above).

" Good morning Mother," Percy said, walking slowly down the stairs with his nose turned up. Mrs Weasley stuck her face out, waiting for the same act the sons before him had done, but didn't receive the same warm kiss on the cheek, only the cold that followed him " Animals." He said looking at his brothers who were piling food on top of food on their plates.

" Morning Perc." Mr Weasley said, still reading his paper.

" Good morning Father," Percy nodded, and took a seat at the very end of the table " Ha I'm glad some people around here don't believe this nonsense ." He said after Mr Weasley gave him the paper.

" What do you mean Perc?" Ginny said, dipping her toast into the egg yolk. Percy then turned around the paper in Ginnys direction and pointed at a line which read ' Hope he isn't doing a Harry Potter!' " Well what does that mean?"

" It means dear sister," Percy said, turning back around his paper " That no one believes this nonsense about he-who-must-not-be-named being back."

" But he is back Percy," Ron said, as he stopped the fork of food from entering his mouth " Harry saw-"

" Harry Potter," Percy began " Is a lier, and Dumbledore is just as bad for letting his lies spread to very important people in the wizarding world!"

" Harry is not a lier!" I shouted " Why would he lie about something like that huh?"

" For attention of course," Percy said, taking no notice at my raised voice " He obviously isn't as famous as he used to be, therefore causing him to lie about the man he so called " killed" nearly fourteen years ago."

" You have no clue on what you're talking about Perc!" Ron said, standing up from his chair.

" Ignore him Ron," Fred said " He's obviously being brainwashed by the stupid ministry of magic."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2022 ⏰

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