Captain Combustible x The Smash reader

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I finally reached to the area where Captain Combustible is. The heat is starting to get to my lungs as I keep going. I feel something hit my arm. I look up and see a Fire Peashooter attacking me.

I growl at the plant as I start to climb to the top. Then I hear a voice from somewhere. Somewhere from up there.

"A Zombie Hero approaches on my volcano?! Ha! If you are strong enough to reach to the top, come up and face me!"

My imp buddy feel so scared about the mysterious voice. He hid behind my back with his head poking out.

Imp: I-I don't like this, Smash. We're going to get burned if we climb up higher.

He was right about this. The fire damage did hurt me for a little bit. I give him a little encouragement.

"Imp. I know how you feel about this. But I'm sure we can make it. All we have to do is-"

I was cut off by another plant shooting at me! It's a Fire Cactus! I growl at them and started to climb higher.

The heat is starting to get to me. I feel so many fire attacks coming from the plants. I've been putting my fighting skills on battling plants while my Imp buddy counts money. For some reason, it was something for him to keep.

Just a little more, Smash! You're almost there!

I hear someone cheering for me. Could it be my Imp buddy? No, this is different. Sounds like the crowd... The crowd is cheering for me.

I hear them chanting for me as I keep going. I can feel so many hits coming from those plants.

The Smash! The Smash! The Smash!

It's working! I feel myself climbing up faster! I'm getting dizzy from this heat, but I must.. keep.. going.. Everyone's voices are echoing inside my head.

You're almost there! Keep it up!

I feel their cries and cheers in my ears. It must be working for me because I'm The Smash. A champion never loses to a challenge!

As I finally reached the top, I collapsed on the ground, feeling dizzy as my vision going fuzzy. The last thing I hear and see was somebody walking towards me.

My Imp buddy called my name as my eyes shut close and then everything went dark....





Smash... wake up.

I hear someone calling my name as I begin to open my eyes. Am I in the volcano? I think I did made it. I have reached the top of the volcano.

Smash! Please wake up!

My hearing is getting clearer as I adjust my blurry vision. I'm on the top of the volcano. I got up and look around.

Imp: Smash! You're awake!

I look down at my Imp buddy. He feels so worried about me. He hugged my leg for a while. Then, a familiar voice called out to me.

???: Ah. So you must be The Smash?

I look up to see a Torchwood looking at me. He is definitely on fire like Solar Flare. Except the blue flames.

 Except the blue flames

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"Yes.. yes I am." I responded to the Torchwood Hero.

???: Interesting... I'm a Torchwood Hero known as Captain Combustible.

I feel a little bit of fire damage burning through my clothes. Captain Combustible walked up to me to see some of the burn marks on my skin. Then, he smiled at me.

Captain Combustible: Impressive! You made it to the top by yourself! I have to celebrate your arrival.

"You are?"

Captain Combustible: Of course! You're the first Zombie Hero to climb up to the top of the Volcano. But first...

Captain Combustible called in Fire Flower. She used her healing beam to heal me back to full hp. I look at my burn marks. They're disappearing from my skin. I feel so much better.

The Fire Flower gave me a cute warm smile before running off with her fire friends.

Captain Combustible: Now that you're healed, it's time for announce the Zombie Hero who made it to my volcano. Right this way, Smash.

I follow behind Captain Combustible. As I followed him, I feel so good that I achieve it for myself. Maybe something good will come for me.

I stand on top of the rocky platform and look at the plants from earlier. They were normal while others are fire types. Captain Combustible is right next to me, giving me some bravery on my side.

Captain Combustible: Ahem. Hello my fellow plants! I wanted to thank all of you who have come here to see The Smash making his way to my volcano.

The plants clapped their plant hands.

Captain Combustible: Smash, would you like to tell everyone about how you did it?

Gathering my courage, I took a deep breath and told everyplant about my greatest achievement.

"Hello plants. I don't know what happened to me when I was knocked out, but I love how people are rooting for me as I keep going, even when things get chaotic. It's all thanks to my good ol buddy. My imp buddy and him, Captain Combustible."

Captain Combustible was shocked. He didn't know that we were best friends during our missions. He went up to me and tried to hug me, but his tiny stump like hands are small.

Captain Combustible: Uh... Thanks Smash, but I think I need some of your hands to hug me.

I wrap my arms around Captain Combustible to give him a warm hug. Captain Combustible is blushing like cherries. I was blushing as well. I let go of him and smiled.

Captain Combustible: Oh Smash! You make me feel like um... being friends.

"Yeah... It sure is."

Captain Combustible: Come on Smash, let's go explore my firey volcano. I got some challenges for the both of us.

"A challenge? For both of us?! Now that sounds like a good sportsmanship." I thought before looking at Captain Combustible.

"Ok Captain Combustible! You lead the way!"

I did my salute and then follow him to do some challenges in the volcano. You know what they say, A good sportsman is the best sportsman! Looks like I do need a friend in my life.

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