07| A lot of blushing and smiling

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Aurora managed to get that word out amidst her coughing fit.

"Aye," Lillian responded, making Willow burst into hysterics.

They'd never chatted about Joshua like this before. Even when she shared his picture with her mates, they never said a peep. It was always like a caution siren going off. Aurora knew they'd been polite about him for her sake, or it would've been total chaos. Even after they met, they didn't warm up to him. But now, they were swooning over a guy they'd never even met. What were her girls up to? They better hurry up and see their blokes.

She was just going to wander around town with him. Nothing more.

"Alright," Aurora said as she got up from her bed and set her laptop on the table. "That's that. I'm runnin' late already. Cheers."

"Have a blast with him, babe!"

Getting to the spot before the agreed time, Chase kept looking around. He had a bunch of thoughts running through his head. Scared she might pull the plug on their meet-up. "Nah," he whispered to himself, standing by the fountain and waiting for her. He checked his wristwatch while rubbing his sweaty hands on his jeans.

"Another ten minutes for five." He mumbled, slinging his shoulder bag straps. You could tell he was edgy, with his fingers drumming on his thigh and his feet tapping.

A lot.

It was a load to process. Felt like a teen asking out their crush.

Oh, come on! Not just teens, everyone's got to have jitters when asking someone out. If a 26-year-old like him is feeling the nerves, think about those poor teens, they'd be turning to jelly just looking at their crush.

When he spotted Aurora looking around for him, his face lit up. Sneaking up behind her, he softly whispered when he noticed her back was turned. 


Aurora jumped, surprise painted all over her, and whacked Chase on the shoulder, causing him to chuckle. Her chuckling got even louder when she heard him snorting while laughing.

"Good Lord," she whispered between breaths, still sounding a bit hoarse. "You scared the wits outta me." Aurora playfully smacked Chase's arm, which only made him laugh more. And when she heard him snigger while laughing, she couldn't help but join in.

He scanned the area, cheeks going all red, but not at her. And she thought that was dead cute.

"You're dead cute," she blurted out, making Chase go even redder.

Chase started walking, his cheeks still burning, leaving a giggling Aurora behind.

Chase was getting even more jittery.

"Shut it, you," he grumbled, walking round the tram stop, not really knowing where he was going.

Aurora bumped into his back as he stopped all of a sudden. He stood there, brows furrowed, as he turned around and rested his hands on his hips. "This," he said, circling his finger in front of Aurora's face. "Is cute."

A smile tugged at her lips, Aurora's face lighting up. "What?"

"Say I'm good-looking."

"Chase," she chuckled, giving him a shake of her head. A smile slowly spread on Chase's face as he heard her. The simple sound of her saying his name felt real good. "I'm not gonna call you handsome just 'cause you're asking." Aurora took a stroll, grinning cheekily at him, with Chase tailing after her, pulling a pout.

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