13| Telltales of blushes

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"How was the date?"

Aurora smiled, reminiscing about the splendid evening she'd spent with him. To be honest, it was the best date she'd been on yet. As someone who harboured a fear of abandonment, she hadn't truly expected to enjoy herself that night. She was the sort who kept her feelings tightly locked away, dreading the thought of opening up.

In the early stages of her relationship with Joshua, she had been candid about her emotions towards him. However, after he had subjected her to ridicule, she withdrew into her shell, no longer sharing her innermost thoughts. It felt as though Aurora had cocooned herself, confining her feelings to just herself. She even hesitated to reveal her sentiments to her mother and her best friends, fearing they might mock her just as Joshua had.

But they had urged her to express herself and communicate her feelings, recognising the importance of emotional and verbal self-expression.

"It was absolutely lovely, Lilly," Aurora exclaimed, twirling around the room in sheer delight. It had truly been a splendid evening. Aurora's gaze drifted towards the bouquet resting on her bed.

Walking over to it, she delicately picked up the bunch of pink posies, taking in their sweet fragrance. With the bouquet in hand, Aurora turned her attention back to her laptop, where Lilly patiently awaited her update.

"I'll be right back," Aurora mumbled, making her way to the kitchen.

Rummaging through the various kitchen cabinets, she eventually located an empty vase. She filled it with water, taking great care as she arranged the flowers inside. A smile spread across her face as she admired the blooms. Aurora had never been too particular about her choice of flowers; she found beauty in all of them.

But it seemed that her heart was starting to develop a fondness for posies.

"He gave you flowers," Lilly remarked, making it more of a statement than a question.

A small part of her-no, indeed, a rather large part of Lilly-clung to the hope that it had been Chase who had given Aurora with the flowers, especially as she observed her friend darting out of her room clutching the bouquet. Lilly's doubt was resolved as Aurora turned her gaze towards her, sporting a bashful smile on her face and her eyes sparkling with delight.

Lilly couldn't contain her excitement and let out a joyous squeal, causing Aurora to chuckle heartily. It was abundantly clear why Lilly was overjoyed; she was, after all, quite keen on seeing Aurora and Chase together.

"Stop your squealing, Lilly," Aurora remarked, as Lilly pursed her lips.

"As if I would," came her retort. "Rory, I've never seen you happier before. There's a distinct radiance in your face, and it truly warms my heart." Lilly's eyes welled up as she spoke. As one of Aurora's closest friends who had been with her through thick and thin, witnessing all that Aurora had endured, this was the first time she had seen her friend truly shine.

She felt a deep urge to embrace Chase for bringing this much-needed happiness into Aurora's life.

Lilly and Willow had always made it a point to ensure Aurora's happiness during their outings and to keep a watchful eye on her well-being. Yet, sometimes, the right person at the right moment could bring happiness that surpassed all expectations. In Aurora's case, that person was Chase, and Lilly felt a sense of relief that Aurora had encountered him twice.

"Are you seeing him again?" Lilly inquired, her initial excitement now subsiding.

"Yes," Aurora nodded after a brief pause. "We're meeting for coffee tomorrow," she added, toying with her fingers, her nerves beginning to creep in.

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