12| Emotions & Banter

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Chase stood before the mirror for a thorough inspection, the tenth time he'd done so for his chosen outfit. He had the desire to be handsome in Aurora's eyes, the girl who had sparked his interest. Memories of Aurora's expression post her encounter with the lad swarmed his thoughts. Even though she'd confronted him head-on, Chase could sense a trace of fear within her. He observed her confidence wither like dust, and fear took over her as the fellow made his exit.

His heart yearned for Aurora to be free because there truly was nothing for her to fear.

Yet, it wasn't the time to ponder about the lad. His focus needed to shift towards the anticipation of tonight's date with Aurora.

Taking a few deep breaths, Chase composed himself and recalled the joyful moments he had shared with Aurora.

That's what needed tonight.

A smile graced his lips as his gaze fell upon the bouquet adorning the console table. He had specially arranged for the bouquet online, a token of appreciation from one of David's associates, Heinz Tarrington, and his partner, who ran an online florist-Breath of Flowers.

The proprietor, Leila Baker, proved to be among the most delightful individuals he had encountered. She patiently lent an ear to his elaborate musings on the precise flowers to be woven into the bouquet.

Approaching the elegantly wrapped box, Chase noticed a dainty envelope bearing his name. With anticipation, he unsealed it, revealing a gracefully adorned card accompanied by handwritten notes.

Dear Chase,

I'm delighted to have crafted this bouquet for you. I sense that she's a special young lady who's captured your affection. Bridal bouquets have always been my focus, but this time it's for a different cause. And that warms my heart.

Sending you the best wishes for the evening, Chase.

Heinz's regards accompany mine as well. We'll catch up soon.

With best wishes,

P.S.: I've been told that my bouquets possess a certain charm, and I sincerely hope that this charm aids your endeavours today.

Chuckling softly to himself, he shook his head and placed the letter gently on the table before heading off to the restaurant, where he was to meet with Aurora.

Standing outside the selected restaurant, Chase's head swayed from side to side as he scanned for any sign of Aurora's arrival. A grin curled upon his lips as he recalled the gentle cajoling he had employed to persuade Aurora to join him on this very evening. He might as well have been on his knees, almost beseeching her to accompany him. With a bemused shake of his head, he consulted his watch once more; the time read seven in the evening.

"She ought to be here by now," Chase muttered.


He turned his head sharply towards the voice that had called out his name.

A soft exhale escaped his lips as he caught sight of her-she was a sight of elegance dressed in the chocolate-hued drawstring bodycon dress. His gaze lingered, captivated by the way the fabric caressed her curves, the outfit radiating both delicacy and allure.

A subtle smile curled his lips, his heart quickening at the sight of her. At that moment, amidst the swirl of emotions taking place in his body, he couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness that he was the man she was going on a date with tonight.

And also forever, he prayed.

Fingers crossed!

As his gaze lingered on her, lost in admiration for a fleeting moment, he finally mustered a sheepish grin and stammered, "You... you look stunning tonight."

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