--Chapter 14--

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A/N: I'm going to be writing in the third person I think from now on because It's hard to write from Eren's POV all the time, but I'll probably still write from his POV sometimes and maybe Levi's too in the future. But for now, it's the third person!


Tuesday had now passed, making today Wednesday. The day Armin was to return to college. Eren was buzzing in the passenger's seat of the car, as Levi drove with Historia stationed in her usual seat that was in the back.

He was so excited to see his little blonde, precious friend again after him being away for so long. The car soon pulled into a space in the car park and Eren practically leapt out of the car before it even stopped fully. Levi sneered, turning the key in the ignition until the engine of the car became silent. He quickly swung the door open, shutting it swiftly behind him with Historia following suit. He clicked the button on the keys as the locks initiated, and started running to catch up to Eren who was basically running himself. It didn't help that Levi had short legs, it looked as though he was trying to take first place in the imaginary race he was running in.

Historia just shook her head at the antics of the two boys and walked a sensible pace to the cafeteria where their friends had all decided to eat breakfast to welcome the blonde coconut back.

Eren pushed through the students that littered the halls of the college, making his way to the cafeteria where his friends were probably sitting at their usual table. Levi was finding it harder than before to keep an eye on Eren considering he's probably the shortest person in the halls. He couldn't see the brunette because of the people standing in his way. He kept his pace though, pushing aggressively through the crowded halls of people which earned him some bitch-faced looks, not that he cared. People stared at him a lot because of what he was but he paid no attention to any of them. He decided on putting his skills to use in a situation like this, even though it tired him a lot when using his abilities, he didn't exactly know his way around the college all too well without Eren guiding him down the dull and mundane hallways.

He closed his eyes, standing dead in his tracks as he focused on finding the sound of Eren's fast-paced breathing. Levi wouldn't admit it, but he liked to focus on Eren's breathing whenever he would drift off to sleep in the leather chair. It calmed him to listen to the slow motions of his breath leaving and entering his lungs, making it rise and sink in a rhythmic beat. Using his abilities tired him out, so he'd rather use them on something he enjoys rather than on useless shit.

Levi soon locks onto the sound of the familiar breathing and follows the sound through the halls of hell in which he likes to call them, towards the sound he's grown accustomed to hearing before he falls asleep for the five hours of rest he has every night or most nights.

Eren's breathing had started to settle as Levi entered through the doors leading to the cafeteria. Levi scanned over the room for Eren and Eren's friends, spotting them in the corner of the room they'd usually sit at for lunch and sometimes breakfast if they feel like waking up early enough. Levi trudged over to the table with a pissed off look on his face directed to none other than Eren himself. Eren quickly saw the pissed off chihuahua stomping aggressively towards him and leapt from his spot at the table to quickly run to the opposite side to avoid being beaten to death, probably for running away and leaving Levi alone to find his way by himself.

Levi stood and glared at the brunette from the opposite end of the table as Eren sheepishly smiled back towards him, trying not to piss him off more. Everyone at the table looked between them both waiting for one of them to make the first move.

"Hey, Levi, you know I didn't mean to leave you behind like that, right? I just wanted to see my friend ya know, if anything you should blame Armin." Eren said pointing towards the blonde sitting in the middle of Mikasa and Marco.

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