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  I am know twenty two years old. I live in a two bedroom, two bath house. I have a few friends. Stacy, Meghan, and Mark. We have been good friends for about a year, a year and a half now. Not to long. We all have careers on YouTube , that is where we all met. we started talking, then filming videos together, and so on. Everything has been great! 

                                                                   Beep! Beep! Beep!

 My phone. I got a text.

@Eva!: Hey! I was wondering if you would like to go shopping? Friday?                                                           From: Stacy

@Stacy: Is it a specail occasion? Of caurse I do, but you raerly ask. Is there a reason?                                From: Eva!

@Eva!: Because it is your b-day So? Is it a yes or no?                                                                            From: Stacy

  Oh. How could I forget my own birthday? 

@Stacy: Sure, I suppose.                                                                                                                                        From: Eva!

@Eva!: Great I'll pick you up at 11:30 so we can eat lunch. See you then!                                                    From: Stacy

  I put up my phone and walked downstairs to the kitchen. I grabbed a bowl of cereal and sat at the counter. As I was eating, I got a text.

@Eva!: Hey. Eva?                                                                                                                                                      From: Mark

@Mark: Yep?                                                                                                                                                              From: Eva!

@Eva!: Happy Birthday!                                                                                                                                            From: Mark

@Mark: Thanks!                                                                                                                                                        From: Eva!

@Eva!: Could I come over in a few minutes?                                                                                                    From: Mark

@Mark: Sure! See you in a few!                                                                                                                              From: Eva!

  I put my phone up again and put up the dishes. I cleaned off the counter and waited for about two minutes before the door bell rang. I went up to the door and opened it to see Mark with a medium sized box at his feet.

  " Hey Mark! WHats that?" I asked.

  " Your birthday present," he said/

  " You know you didn't have to."

  " I wanted to." I smiled at him and opened the door wider for him to step in. He picked up the box and entered. 

  " Open it," he said after sitting it down near the couch. I walked towards it and opened the box. There, in front of me, was a puppy pug! I love pugs!

  " Oh Mark, thank you!" I said, picking up the small tan and black pug from the box. 

  " Your welcome!" he replied. The little pug was so small and adorable!

  " Um, Eva?" he asked. It urned and saw his cheeks were going a little red.

  " yes?" I asked.

  " Would you like to, um, would you like to go out for dinner? For you birthday of course!" he asked.

  " Sure! I would love to! Thanks Mark," I said. I laid the pug gently on the floor and got up. I took a step closer to Mark and hugged him. 

  " I have to go, but I can pick you up Saterday at six?" he asked.

  " Sure! Sounds great! See you then!" He smiled, waved, then left. I turned and picked up the small pug. 

  " I'm going to call you...... Felix!" I said. I sat Felix down and sat on the couch. Then, after a few seconds, I realized. What if Stacy is taking me out for this dat... I mean dinner? Excuse what I had just thought. But, what if? Nah. I doubt it. I then laid down, and fell asleep. This has been the best birthday in a long, long, long time!

Try Again: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now