A New Addition

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                        * Eight months later!!!*

  It is December 15th. I am now nine months pregnant. We do not know the gender, because we choose to wait till the day he/she was born. During the last few months, Stacy moved to Utah, so it was hard to say goodbye. Meghan is still the same. Mark and I are fine. My little sister, Sarah, got in a car accident, and was paralyzed waist down. I had to leave for a month to go visit her. She said she was alright. Some things have changed, and it has been hard, but Mark and I have managed. We bought a house, together, four months ago. We painted the room, got the furniture moved in, and we are almost done with everything. So, that is what has happened in the last eight months. I am due any day now. We just climbed into the bed an hour ago, but I couldn't go to sleep. Then......... I felt a bit of pain. I took the sheets off me, and saw that my water had broke. I got up, but the pain was a bit overwhelming. Mark sat up and looked over at me.

  " Eva, are you alright?" he asked.

  " My water," was all I could say, but he understood. He quickly got up and changed then he helped me change, and we were out of there.After a twenty minute drive (which felt like hours), we arrived at the hospital. We went up the elevator, had a two minute conversation with the woman behind the desk, then we finally got into a room. After everything was hooked up, we both contacted our families. When we put our phones up, Mark sat down in the chair beside the bed, and held my hand.

  " Are you alright?" he asked.

  " As alright as I can be," I replied.

  " Its going to be fine!" he said.

  " Mark, what if it isn't going to be fine? What if something happens? I'm scared!" I said.

  " You don't have to be! Everything is going to be just fine!" he said. I nodded, but it was going to need more convincing to make me believe it. After about another five minutes, the doctor came in.

  " Hello! I'm Doctor Jenson! I will be helping to deliver your baby!" she said. I didn't respond. I was too busy fighting the pain.

  " Eva Fischbach and Mark Fischbach, right?" she asked. Mark nodded for the both of us.

  " Great!" she said. She continued talking, but I just ignored her. After a few minutes, she cheaked to see how the baby was doing, she did a few tests, the usual. Mark and I waited for four and a half hours before she finally came in and said it was time. I don't want to get into much detail, but after four and a half hours and five pushes, we could hear a tiny cry. The doctor held the baby up so we could see.

  " Congratulations! Its a boy!" she said. Mark smiled, his eyes were full of tears (tears of joy of course), and he kissed my forehead.

  " I told you that you could do it," he said. I smiled and laughed. I was tired, tears were in my eyes, but I couldn't have been happier in that very moment! She cleaned him off and handed him to us. I looked down at the tiny baby in my arms, and there was an instant connection. After a minute, they took him away to do some tests, to clean him off, what they would normally do.

  " What should we name him?" Mark asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

  " I don't know." He smiled and we thought for a few minutes. Mark got his laptop out and did some research. 

  " Why don't I pick the letter, and you pick the name?" I asked. He took a second to consider it.

  " Alright."

  " K." He thought for a second, did a little looking around on the internet for about thirty minutes.

  " Kyle or Kingston," he said. " You choose between those two. I sat there and thought for a second.

  " Kyle," I replied. Mark smiled.

  " Middle name?" I asked.

  " You choose," he said.

  " No, you," I replied. He thought for a few seconds.

  " Lee?" he asked. I nodded.

  " That sounds good," I said. A few seconds later, they brought the tiny baby in. The doctor carefully handed him to me.

  ' Have you thought of a name?" she asked after he wa safe in my arms. I nodded.

  " Yea. We have."

  " What shall his name be?" she asked.

  " Kyle. Kyle Lee Fischbach," I replied.

  " A handsome name indeed!" she said. She continued to talk, but I ignored her. I probably shouldn't have, but I did. I was too focused to examining the tiny baby in my arms. Our tiny baby. Tiny little Kyle. My life has changed, and drastically. But it has changed for the better. 

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