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  " Come on!" Stacy said, practically dragging me through the mall. It was Friday, and, as I promised, I went shopping with Stacy.We had just eaten lunch and we had already gone through two stores, heading off for the next one.

  " Where to next?" I asked, trailing behind her.

  " JCPenny, Belks, Macys..." she trailed on and on. I just ignored her long list of places to go and just started thinking. A few days ago, on my birthday, I kept thinking of going to dinner with Mark. And, instead of calling it a later birthday dinner, I kept calling it a date. What if Mark was using the excuse of my birthday as a chance to go out on a date? Or, in other words, does Mark like me? I've never thought of Mark that way before, but since Wednesday, I couldn't stop thinking about it. My mind trailed off, then, after a minute, Stacy waved her hand in front of my face.

  " Hello?" she asked.

  " Sorry, my mind was traveling. So, where to?" I asked.

  " JCPenny," she said, grabbing my hand and dragging me to the store. We looked around, I tried on several outfits, and I bought a top that started off black on the bottom, and slowly turned into an ocean blue. We then went to Belks, where I bought a nice pair of black pants, and then Macys. We walked in, and after a few minutes, we hit a dress section. I looked for only about a minute before I found a few nice dresses. I grabbed one, then went to try it on. I then looked at my self in the mirror. It was a peach colored dress that came with a black belt. It ended just below my knee, and the sleeves ended just below my elbow. It was a short V neck with buttons from the waist up with two buttoned pockets on each side. It was a pretty dress. I walked out to show Stacy, and she apparently loved it! So, I got it. After about another hour, we finally finished. I walked out with two tops, three pairs of pants, one dress, a pair of flats, a pair of tennis shoes, a beanie, and a sweat shirt. Don't judge! I like sweat shirts! Stacy walked out with Two tops, a pair of pants, a sweat shirt, a pair of shoes, and a new microphone for her gaming channel. We finally finished and walked out. We put everything in her car, and she drove me home. But, during the drive home, I decided to get answers to a few questions.

  " Stacy?" I asked.

  " Yep?"

  " Could I ask you a question?" I asked.

 " Sure, what is it?" She sounded a bit worried.

  " Did you happen to get in touch with Mark on Tuesday? Or Monday?" I asked.

  " No, why?"

  " I was just asking."

  " No, why?"

  " Because he wanted to take me out for dinner tomorrow and I wondered if you were taking me shopping for that very reason."

  " Oh, no! I took you shopping because it was your birthday!" she said.

  " Two days ago," I said. She smiled.

  " Happy late b-day!" 

  " Thanks! And thank you for taking me shopping!"

  " Your welcome!" The rest of the ride, we just talked. She asked me if I wanted to play Prop Hunt, something new, for her channel. I agreed. She hadn't done Prop Hunt, that I know of, before. She sticks with 'The Long Dark' and  her Minecraft series, somethings she is more comfortable with, but she decided to do something different. Finally, we arrived to my house! She helped me unload, said 'Happy late birthday!', then headed home. I washed everything, then put it all up, which took over twenty minutes. I then ate dinner, then watched some television. When it was about nine, I headed off to bed. But, before I could sleep, I decided to go ahead and see what I was going to wear tomorrow for my dat.... I mean dinner. See! I did it again! Anyways, I grabbed a few choices and, after a few minutes, I decided to go with the peach colored dress I got this afternoon. I was happy with my decision! I laid it out, grabbed the new pair of flats, then put my pj's on. I climbed into bed, turned off the lights, then feel into a deep sleep. I wonder how tomorrow will play out?

Try Again: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now