An Attack

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  Mark and I grabbed our stuff and we left his house. We couldn't stay there anymore, not for a while at least. We moved together, to a (dog friendly) Motel. We moved in, got everything situated, and are know at the diner, eating dinner. Everything has been quiet since the letter. We finished eating, and we left the diner.

  " Are you alright?" he asked me when we were in the car, leaving the diner.

  " Not really," I replied.

  " You know you can talk to me, right?"

  " Of course, but some things need to be kept quiet, at least for now." He nodded, and the rest of the way was quiet. We rolled in, and exited the car. But, as we headed towards our Motel room, we found it unlocked. Felix was sitting in front of the door. Mark walked towards the door and picked him up. Why was the door unlocked? I walked, slowly, towards the door, and opened it. The lock was busted. I took a step inside, and saw that everything had been thrown around, somethings were broken. I took a few more steps, and examined the whole room, from one side to the other. But, as I was about to turn and leave the room, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I quickly turn around, only to be hit in the face. I grunted as I hit the floor, arms behind back. I opened my eyes to see the one, the only, Cevin Wilson! A.K.A: father! He lend down next to me.

  " Family reunion! Nice to see you again! I told you to be expecting me! Did you miss me?" he asked. I couldn't talk, couldn't scream, couldn't do hardly anything! All I could do, was stare, and be frightened out of my whits!

  " Go ahead! Scream! It won't do you any good!" he said. I couldn't scream! I wanted to, but I couldn't. He smiled and slapped me. The stingging pain running through my face. I flinched.

  " You have to pay the price for sending me to jail!" he said.

 " Now, what should that price be?" he asked. I shook my head, knowing that what ever this 'price' was, it wasn't going to be good.

  " How about........ this!" he said, bring out a knife from his pocket. I shook my head.

  " No, no, no, no!" I said. I, then, started to scream! I screamed, but no one could hear! Where was Mark!?!?

  " No need to scream! No one can hear you!" he said.

  " What have you done with him?" I asked.

  " If you cooperate, then nothing," he said with an evil smile. He grabbed a roll of tape from the floor, and I couldn't do anything. I didn't want him to hurt Mark, so I just did as I was told. He taped my mouth shut, and tied my hands together. My feet to. He grabbed the knife and placed it against the skin on my arm.

  " This one, is screaming," he said. He put pressure on the knife, causing it to cut my skin. It hurt, but probably not as bad as the next one will.

  " This one, is for leaving!" he said. He created another cut, much deeper then the last. I yelped, but held it together as best I could. 

  " This one, if for calling the police!: he screamed. He jammed the knife into my arm. I screamed, pretty loudly. The pain was overwhelming! 

  " And this one is for getting me sent to JAIL!" he screamed. He slammed the knife into my arm, and I could've sworn that it hit the bone. I screamed with all the air that was in my lungs. The pain was un-bearable! He smiled at my pain.

  " Do you feel the pain? Do you?" he asked in an evil tone. I just nodded. I managed to look down at my arm, and I saw the four, deep cuts that are on my arm.

  " Well, that was just half the price," he said. He looked down at my shirt, and placed the knife where the buttons were, and one by one, he cut the buttons off. I squirmed, and kicked, and did everything I could, but he was overpowering me. He left the last two buttons on, hiding the scar that i had received years ago by the same man. I managed to get the tape off my mouth, and let out a full on scream. Cevin covered his ears, and then, a miracle happened. Sirens. Sirens from police cars, from an ambulance, and I knew I was safe! My day immediately became better! I smiled a little smile, but he wasn't having any of it. He picked me up, and carried me to the door. A police man walked from his police car, and held out a gun towards Cevin. Cevin held a knife against my neck. 

  " Anyone moves, she gets it!" he screamed. No one dared to. I struggled, but I couldn't do anything. 

  " We are getting out of here," he told me loud enough so everyone there could here. He started to drag me off, but I managed to free one arm from the tape, and I elbowed him. He dropped the knife and yelped. I ran and hid behind the police man. 

  " Sir, you are under arrest! Anything you say or do will be held against you!" the police man said. Then, I felt relief. They finally got him, and he is, once again, sentenced for life in prison. I found out that Cevin had a few friends helping him. They grabbed Mark and beat him up. They found him, alive, and unconscious, but with five broken bones and severe bruising where his ribs are. They took us both to the hospital and I got stitched up. My wounds weren't too severe, so all they needed were stitches. They put a bandage on, and I was alright to go. I put on my sweat shirt to hide the cuts, and I then walked into Mark's hospital room. He was unconscious the whole time, so he doesn't know about the cuts on my arm. I sat down in the chair next to his bed. I lent over and grabbed his hand, and held it. After about ten minutes, he woke up. He smiled at me, but then he remembered what happened, and he became, immediately, concerned.

  " Are you alright? What happened?" he asked.

  " Nothing, I'm fine," I replied. 

  " I heard you scream, and I ran in to help, but I was attacked! What were you screaming about?" he asked.

  " Nothing. Everything is fine now," I said. 

  " Are you sure?" he asked.

  " Positive!" I replied. I was allowed to spend the night with him, which made me happy. The next day, after lunch, he was allowed to leave. We were allowed to go back to his place, because my father was no longer an issue, and we were glad because of it. When we got there, I helped him up the stairs, and helped him get into bed. I laid down next to him, and we both fell asleep. Everything was great! I just hope it stays this way.


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