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  It was Monday. Sunday passed by slowly. So was today. I couldn't wait for Tuesday, but time just had to pass by slowly! (Note the sarcasm.) It was about three thirty. and I was getting bored. I have to go and help Stacy with her new series that I am supposed to be in. But that isn't until five. I fed Felix, texted Stacy about this afternoon, I texted Mark about the plans for tomorrow, watched a movie, played a few video games, and I was running out of things to do. I cleaned the house, went for a short walk, and a few more things. 

  " What now?" I asked myself. I sat back down and watched another movie. About half way through the movie, I heard  a knock on my door. Who could that be? I stood up and walked down the hall towards the door. I opened it up a crack and looked out. And, outside the door, was someone who I thought I would never see again.

  " Father?" I asked. I saw his angry expression, and I slammed the door! I locked it behind me! I ran to the kitchen and living room and locked all the windows and shut the curtains. I ran upstairs and did the same up there. I locked the door to my bedroom, after I grabbed Felix, and I hid in the farthest corner from the door. I heard a banging from downstairs. Felix laid down beside me, and kept quiet. Good dog! After a second, the banging stopped. Everything was quiet. I waited a second, then, I slowly stood up. Was everything okay? 

                                                              BANG! BANG! BANG!

  Nope! I quickly slid back into my spot in the corner. I grabbed Felix and hugged him tightly. I took my phone from my pocket and immediately went to Mark.

@Mark: Help! I need help at my place! NOW!                                                                                                      From: Eva!

@Eva!: Whats wrong?                                                                                                                                              From: Mark

@Mark: My life is in danger!                                                                                                                                     From: Eva!

  I didn't receive another text. I knew he had put his phone down. I, then, quickly called 911.

  " Hello, how may I help you?" the woman on the other side of the line asked.

  " My name is Eva Wilson. I need help! My life is in danger!" I said quickly.

  " Ma'am, please slow down! Where are you?" she asked, I gave her my address, and she said they would be there as soon as possible. I closed my phone and kept quiet. After a minute, the worst happened. He broke down the door! He was inside my house! They needed to hurry! I kept quiet, even though I wanted to scream! Felix, thankfully, kept quiet too. We sat there and waited. I could hear ruckus coming from downstairs. He was searching the house for me.

  " WHERE ARE YOU?!?!" I heard him scream. The fear was overwhelming. After a minute, he walked up the stairs and started going from room to room. Where are they? I asked my self. My room was the last one down the hall, so I had an extra minute, but he was through each room quickly. He, then, came to my room. He tried to open the door, but it was locked. He knew. He hit the door with all of his might.

  " COME OUT!" he screamed. I kept quiet. He continued to hit the door and he continued to scream at me. After enduring five minutes of this, I heard a police car come into the driveway. I was saved!

  " I'll be back!" he said sternly. He ran down the stairs and out of the door. I continued to hug Felix until I heard a soft knock.

  " Eva Wilson? Are you in there?" a man asked.

  " I'm here!" I yelled. I slowly got up and opened the door. The police man was there with a few of his colleagues. They got me out of the house and I was safe! Mark's car rolled in just as they got me out. Mark ran towards me. I turned and hugged him. I then started crying into his shoulder.

  " Sir, we must get her to the police station. We would like to ask her a few questions," a female police officer said to Mark. He looked down towards me.

  " I'll meet you at the police station," he said. I didn't want him to leave, especially after that traumatizing experience, but I nodded and fallowed the police officer to the police car. I was taken down to the station and I was asked questions on thing like did I know my attacker? Did something like this happen before? Did he threaten me? Things like that. I replied honestly, then I was allowed to leave. They suggested that I should get out of my house for a while because they didn't catch him, so I was still in danger. I finally reached the waiting room where Mark was sitting, waiting for me. When he saw me, he ran towards me and hugged me tightly. 

  " What happened?" he asked. 

  " He happened," I replied.

  " Who is 'he'?" he asked.

  " Its a long story. I'll explain it later," I said. He nodded, understanding. We walked to his car. We both climbed in and he drove me to my house.

  " Could you wait outside for a few minutes? I need to pack my things," I said when we were going down my street.

  " Why do you need to pack your things?" he asked.

  " That man is still on the lose. They said it wasn't safe for me to stay at my house, that I should leave for a few days," I replied.

  " Sure, I'll wait," he said.

  " Thanks," I said, as we pulled into my driveway. I ran in and packed a few things. Clothes, a brush, tooth brush, tooth paste, ect. I packed it all up and ran outside and put my stuff in his car. I ran back in and grabbed Felix, dog food, and his bowls. I placed it all in his car and we started down the street.

  " Where are you going to go?" he asked.

  " I don't know," I replied. Where was I going to go? 

  " Um..... how about my place?" he asked.

  " I couldn't ask you to do that for me," I said. 

  " You didn't ask me," he said. " I offered."

  " Are you sure?" I asked.

  " Yes! I think it will be fun!" he said. I thought for a moment, then agreed.

  " I suppose it could be fun." He smiled and turned down his street. Maybe he was right. I guess it could be fun!

Try Again: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now