Shopping for Wedding Dresses

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  I feel sick! Its been three weeks since I went shopping with my friends, and I haven't been feeling that well since then. But, I'm going to have to feel better, because today I'm going shopping for my wedding dress! Just Stacy is going with me. Meghan went to go see her family, but I understood. I got ready, kissed Mark goodbye, then headed off towards Stacy's home. When I got there, I had to quickly grabbed a barf bag, that I conveniently have in the glove compartment. Stacy ran out towards my car.

  " Are you alright?" she asked me.

  " Yeah, I'm fine. Do you mind driving?"

  " No, I don't mind," she replied. We switched places and drove off to go look for wedding dresses! 

                                                                          *Two hours later*

  We have been to two stores already, and we haven't found the right one yet. We are now at Davids Bridal searching. After about a thirty minutes passed, and was looking through the racks, and I found a beautiful dress! It was a lace dress with no sleeves, it wasn't big, but it wasn't clinging on, just right! It went passed my ankles, and it was just beautiful! I tried it on, and came out with it, and Stacy said is was gorgeous! After some paper work, we got the dress! I would pick it up a week before the wedding! I was so exited! Mark said he would order the cake, so everything was falling into place! We managed to book a beautiful church for April sixth, and I just couldn't wait! I have already invited all my siblings, Meghan, Stacy, and Mark's friends and family (of course!), and a few more people. I asked Stacy, Meghan, and Sarah to be my brides maids, and they happily agreed. So, when we finished with the wedding dress, we went looking for the bridesmaid's dress. We looked around until we found the right one. I took a picture and sent it to Meghan, and she agreed, it was a pretty bridesmaids dress. I also sent the picture to Sarah, but she didn't really care. It was blue, with straps, and it rifled, just a little. It was really pretty! We got an appointment to try on the dresses when Sarah and Meghan came to L.A.                                                                                                  We decided to go eat when everything was taken care of, but right after we ordered, I ran off the the bathroom, and threw up into the toilet. Stacy ran in behind me and held my hair up for me.

  " Thanks," I said.

  " No problem. Should we go to the doctor after we eat?" she asked. I nodded. After another three minutes, I was done throwing up, and we went back out, and then I called and made an appointment for the doctors office. After we ate, we paid, then headed off to the doctors office. We sat in the waiting room for about five minutes.

  " Eva Wilson?" a nurse called out. I stood up and fallowed the nurse to one of the rooms, and she weighed me, took my temperature, the usual. I waited for about two minutes before the doc came in.

  " Hello! I'm Doctor Donavin. What seems to be the trouble today?" she asked. I told her I've been throwing up, that I just haven't been feeling well at all, and she did a few tests.

  " Eva Wilson, right?" she asked after being there for forty five minutes.

  " Yes."

  " Eva, I would like to do one more test. I think I know your problem, but I want to be sure," she said. I nodded, and she led me to another room. 

  " Please, lie down here," she said. I nodded and did as I was told. She lifted up my shirt, revealing my stomach. 

  " Whats that?" she asked, pointing to my scar.

  " Its nothing. I got it years ago... it a car wreck. I'm perfectly fine now," I said. I didn't want anyone else finding out what really happened! The only reason I told Mark, is because he is my fiance! 

  " Alright," she said. 

  " I'm going to put this gel on your stomach, it may be a little cold," she said. She poured the gel on my stomach, and used this scan, or what ever it was, and moved it around. A picture showed up on the screen next the table. She squinted, then smiled afterwords. Wait  second.... I am really stupid aren't I? Am I pregnant?

  " I am happy to announce that you are pregnant!" sh said. I was emotionless. Pregnant? But, it was only that one time! I felt as I was going to hyperventilate, but I tried my best to keep as calm as I could. I nodded, and I was allowed to leave. I met Stacy in the waiting room, and then we walked out.

  " What did she say?" Stacy asked.

  " Nothing important." I felt a tear roll down my cheek, and I knew that kind of blew my cover.

  " Tell me anyways," she said.

  " Its nothing," I replied.

  " Why are you so scared to tell me?" she asked.

  " Because."

  " Because why?"

  " Because I'm not ready!" I yelled. she took a step back, a little stunned.

  " I'm sorry," I said. I then busted out into tears. Stacy ran over and hugged me.

  " It alright," she said.

  " No, no it not."

  " What is it? What did she say?" I hesitated, but then figured I can't keep this a secret.

  " I'm pregnant." She stared at me and smiled.

  " Thats great!" she said.

  " No. Its not great. How will Mark react? What if he doesn't want the baby?" I asked.

  " Everything is going to be fine! If he really loves you, then he will love the baby. Eva, everything is going to be fine!" I nodded and wiped away my tears.

  " I guess your right," I said. She nodded and helped me to the car. She drove to her house, and I hugged her goodbye, then I got into the drivers side. I drove home and thought of a way to tell him. Of when to tell him. The sooner the better. Right?

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