Another Date

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  It is Tuesday. And Mark was right. It was fun sleeping at his house last night. He popped popcorn, watched a movie, Played a few games, and even filmed a challenge video for my channel. It was really fun! I woke up on his couch this morning (he offered to sleep on the couch and tried to convince me that the bed was much more comfortable, but I still took the couch). I got up, stretched, then made my way towards the kitchen. I found a pack of bacon, eggs, and pancake mix, so I decided to fix breakfast. When I was about half way done, I could hear Mark making his way to the kitchen. When he turned and saw me cooking, he smiled.

  " You didn't have too," he said.

  " I wanted to," I replied copying what he said on my birthday a few days ago. He smiled. I fixed him a plate and handed it to him. 

  " Here you go!"

  " Why thank you my fine lady" he said in a sophisticated accent that made me giggle.

  " Why you are so very welcome my kind sir!" I said, trying to replicate the accent, but I failed. He sat down at the table and started to eat as I grabbed myself a plate. I sat down and ate with him. We did talk a bit, and it was great fun! I hope we have room for lunch in about three hours. When we finished, he grabbed both of our plates and put them in the sink.

  " I'm going to head upstairs to my office. If you need anything, just shout," he said.

  " I certainly will!" He smiled and headed for the stairs. I grabbed all the dishes and cleaned them, I put food and water in Felix's bowls, I cleaned up our mess from last night, then I cleaned up the couch from where I slept. After everything was done, I sat down and put in a movie. About half way through, Mark came down the stairs and walked towards me.

  " What'cha doing?" he asked, while taking a seat next to me.

  " Just watching this. Did you finish filming you video games?" I asked.

  " Yep! I'm all done for today!" he said with a smiled. I nodded and we watched the movie. Then, Mark decided to be cheesy. He yawned (it was a fake one), and then be pretended to stretch. His arm ended up behind my shoulders.  I just smiled and leaned back a bit. I knew he was smileing without even having to look. After the movie was over, it was about time to go out for lunch. 

  " May I use your shower?" I asked him politely. He nodded.

  " Certainly! The first door on the left," he said, pointing up the stairs.

  " Thank you!" I said. I grabbed the clothes from my luggage, then headed up the stairs. After a nice short shower, I slipped my clothes on and dried my hair with a towel because I had forgotten my blow drier. I put lip gloss on, and decided that was enough. After a quick look in the mirror, I headed down the stairs and saw that Mark was already dressed and ready to go. 

  " Shall we?"

  " We shall!" He lead me to the door and opened it. We walked out and headed for his car. He opened the car door as well.

  " Why thank you!" 

  " Anything for you!" he said, closing the door behind me. We walked to the other side then opened his door. He climbed in and started the ignition. After a ten minute drive, we were at the diner. 

  " Here we are!" Mark said. I smiled and nodded.  He ran out of his side and opened the door for me.

  " Thank you!"

  " Your so welcome," he said, once again trying out the sophisticated accent. And, once again, I couldn't help but laugh. I walked out and we headed for the door. I beat him to it, and this time, opened it for him. He smiled and I followed him in. We took our seats and ordered and we talked for a little bit.

  " Eva, could I tell you something?" he asked.

  " Yes, what is it?"

  " Your so beautiful!" he said. Heat was once again rising to my cheeks, just as it had done last week for my birthday dinner. 

  " Thank you!" I said quietly, feeling a tad but shy.

  " I think everything about you is beautiful," he continued. " Your ocean blue eyes, your aubern hair, your personality, everything. Eva, I'm just going to come out and say it......" he said as he was gaining up his courage to tall me what he wanted to say. My cheeks were now cherry red. I can't believe he had the courage to tell me these things. 

  " I think I love you," he said. So, he does love me? He loves me! He was waiting for a responce, and the longer it took me to find the words, the more hope he had lost.

  " I think I love you too," I replied. It wasn't much, but it was enough. Mar couldn't help but smile like an idiot. I smiled back. And, a few seconds later, I saw him leaning in. My heart just stopped! I couldn't believe how fast things were going! Without knowing, I started leaning in as well. In only a few seconds, his face was half an inch from mine! We stopped there, and stared into each others eyes (his eyes were so mesmerizing) and after another second, he pushed towards me and our lips connected. His lips were soft, delicate, but the kiss was so powerful! So passionate, so soft, his lips, the kiss was so addicting! I kissed back, and we continued to kiss for a few seconds, and it was amazing! But, he fell back and stared into my eyes. The kiss felt as if it ended way to soon, but I was at a loss for words! I can't describe more then I had! I couldn't believe it! And now, I knew. I knew that I didn't 'think' I love him. I knew that I do love him! I'm in love!!!

Try Again: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now