New employee (XV)

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"No.'re lying. Y-yes! You're lying.. that can't be! H-how is he in America?!! I thought he was here?? We talked a few months ago-"


"SHUT UP. No, you're lying... that can't be...that's some bullshit!"



A chilling silence fell between you and Nathan on the phone. Maybe you were hallucinating. Yeah, that's it. Nathan is playing a prank on you. He can't be serious. Deep in thought, gradually muting out the sounds of everything around you. You could only hear the sounds of your heartbeat now as you tried to process everything you were being told. Dad? in America? he has two kids?....he's with another woman..out of state...

He didn't call or text you because he was busy with his other life.

He lied.

"....I know it's hard to believe what I'm saying right now. If it's proof you want to see then I'll send it to you, but for now, don't do anything foolish, and let's talk after okay?"



You didn't realize you were rambling a bunch of nonsense. Ymir could only watch as you slowly became frantic with the news. Your right eye was twitching, feet continuously shaking, and breathing becoming shallow from hyperventilating. She had no idea what was bothering you this much. She put her free hand on your thigh and gently caressed it, trying to calm you down.


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Eren arrived at Ackerman Corporations, parking his car in the provided spaces and coming out. He often comes here to do minor jobs/errands for Levi, so he wore a more "professional" outfit than usual. Just so Ackerman wouldn't scold him for his fashion..too much.

Tainted (Erenxblackreader)Where stories live. Discover now