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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


"WE'RE BACK!" Adeline said as Timothee and she entered the backyard. The Caster's and Odette were sitting in the dinner table outside, as they ate and conversed.

"How was your little date?" Ash said with a playful smirk. Both of their faces blushed up into a light shade of rouge (maybe not, depending on your skin color).

"It was not a date,"Adeline mumbled.

"Did you guys eat dinner?" Eloise asked and the two teens nodded their heads. "Yeah, one of my friend's family owns a restaurant and we ate some food there," Timothee said and gave the girl's mother a smile.

"Well, that's nice," Celia said, "you guys go wash up. You smell like sweat."

"Okay nana, we'll be right back," Del said with a slight chuckle.

Timothee and Adeline made their way to their rooms. Remembering there was only one bathroom for the both of them, Timothee let Adeline wash up first.

Adeline quickly stripped and got into the shower than later realized that she had forgotten her towel. She slowly peaked out from the shower curtain to look for any towels near by then remembered that Odette collected all the used towels this afternoon.

"Um, Timothee?" She shouted out.

"Yes?" She heard the boy's muffled voice.

"This might sound real awkward," Adeline said in embarrassment, "but can you get me a towel... I forgot to take one with me."

"Uh.. are you like in the shower... right now?" He asked.

"Yes..." she said and immediately squatted down and regretted the decisions she had made.

"Okay...," Timothee quietly said with uncertainty and she quickly heard his foot steps fade away then come back. The bathroom door creaked as Timothee entered.

"Do you just want me to put the towel on the floor or..."

"That would be great," Adeline said then peaked her head out of the curtain, "thanks"

She smiled at the boy who's face turned bright red, "uh... yeah, no problem," he quickly said to the girl and made his way out of the bathroom.

A few minutes later, Adeline came out to her room feeling refreshed. Timothee went to wash up, right after her. She plopped onto her bed. The girl was bored out of her mind and didn't know what to do. She walked up to her record player and put a random vinyl on as she waited for Timothee to finish showering. The song merged with the sound of the shower as she laid still on her bed.

𝘼𝙉𝙂𝙀𝙇𝙄𝘾 . TIMOTHEE CHALAMETحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن