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TIME HAD PASSED BY QUICKLY. Already being 3 weeks since the Caster's came to Italy, Timothee and Adeline seemed inseparable. The two teenagers were always together to the point of not even having the time and space to consider being apart for more than an hour.

As Timothee brought the girl mostly everywhere with him, their feelings for each other would only grow in such a vast amount of time. He couldn't seem to find any flaws about Adeline, and neither could she find any about him.

Their days usually consisted of walks with her grandmother, listening to music in her room, walking out and about into town, and sometimes meeting up with Timothee's friends. Adeline was glad she had people to be around. It would've been a pretty boring summer break if she had to stay in the villa all day.

"Wanna go to a party?" Timothee asked Adeline out of nowhere.

"That famous dance party you apparently go all the time to? Wow, I'm so honored that you are finally taking me," she replied back in a joking manner as she curtsied at the boy.

"Yes, Darla got an address this morning and everyone is going tonight," he said and smiled at Adeline.

"Am I finally going to be able to see you dance? Thea seemed to like the idea of you dancing."

Timothee gave her a shy little nod, "I guess?"

"Will their be drinks?" She asked.

"Drinks? Is that really what your asking about?"

"What? I might get thirsty, you know? And the drinks at clubs back in New York are so expensive! They want to charge a girl a couple tens for some shots!" As Adeline exclaimed, the boy couldn't help but laugh at her silliness, "Aren't you underage?"

"I have my ways," she winked.

"You are gonna get hella wasted tonight, I can tell," he said.


As the night sky took over the small town, Timothee and Adeline started to get ready for their fun night out. Telling Mr and Mrs Caster that they were going over to a friend's, which wasn't necessarily a lie, the teenagers walked to Darla's restaurant. Timothee kept Adeline close by as they made their way into town. It was taking a little while for them to finally reach their destination, as they weren't on their bikes. The sky twinkled with stars that seem to shine even brighter than diamonds that Adeline had seen before at random auctions. Timothee looked down to see their hands less than an inch apart. Oh, he thought, maybe I should hold her h-. "What are you looking at?" Adeline asked as she looked down to see what the boy was staring at, "Is something on my hand?"

𝘼𝙉𝙂𝙀𝙇𝙄𝘾 . TIMOTHEE CHALAMETWhere stories live. Discover now