Chapter 26: Rushing

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Eren was watching you with a somber look on his face as you slept. You saw his expression when you awoke.

"What's wrong?" You wrapped your arms around his neck. He was having another internal struggle.

"I am just sad that this is already over." He whispered into your neck.

"It's never over. We can always go camping again." You were chipper from last night. But your mood did not brighten his.

Tonight was Willy Tibur's speech, something Eren forbade you to attend. You would have to find a way to sneak out. Maybe that is why he is so upset. You still didn't quite understand why he didn't want you to go, but some things with Eren just couldn't be asked. He doesn't give the clearest responses.

Both of you began to pack everything up. He was quick with his movements, something you weren't used to. He was always a steady force, too tall to be agile. You were the quick one, the one who always rushed to get things done as if you would get punished for being too slow.

But today, he was fast. Rushing, throwing things into bags sloppily instead of being slow and focused. Something was off. You walked toward him, with his back turned in front of you. You wrapped your arms around his torso.

"What is wrong, angel?" You asked sweetly.

He turned around slowly, picking you up to place your feet on his so you were a bit taller, now looking at his chest. He looked down at you so deeply you thought it was going to be the last time.

"I am no angel." Tears swelled in his eyes.

He was everything an angel was. A savior, a giver, a protector, and an innocent love. A love sparked from friendship, not from sex or money. You could feel the connection deep within you. As if you two were made for each other. As if you were destined to meet. You felt as if the world was just yours to share. No one else's.

"You are an angel sent from heaven to save me." You said reaching to caress his face. He was practically a god to you. Someone who swept you off of your feet and showed you what life has to offer outside of your so-called family.

"You are wrong y/n. I think you may have saved me. But I also think it is too late for me to be saved." He held you tighter, as if you would disappear out of thin air.

"It is never too late to be saved. I don't know what goes on in that head of yours. But I see love in you, Eren. Eyes that were dead now spark with light."
He gently caressed your back with his fingertips.

"Even all of the light in this world, which is encompassed in you, could not take away this darkness." There was an angry undertone in that sentence that made you tremble.  He was angry at himself. For what, you didn't know. He let you go and started to pack, more rushed before, and in silence.

You two started your journey back to the apartment. Since it was daylight, you two had to hide in the shadows once you arrived in the city. You traveled in silence the entire way home.

Once you returned to the apartment, Eren threw his things down in frustration. He ran his hands through his hair, unraveling his bun.

"Come with me to the speech tonight, Eren. We can enjoy it together." With that sentence, he rushed to you, gripping your arms. His hair began to float.

"You said you weren't going to that." He said through his teeth.

"I—I'm not. I would if you were, that's all." You lied. His jaw clenched together so hard you thought he was going to break his teeth.

"Just trust me please. I am begging you. Do NOT go. Promise me." Shit.

"I promise." You said, mentally crossing your fingers. He was not going to stop you. He was being delirious. He let you go, obviously still on edge.

"I have to go to the market. I will be back later tonight." He said as he dressed into his other pair of clean clothes. He looked worried. You have never seen him so pale.

He held your face in his large hands.

"Promise me you're going to stay here. I want you to be here when I return." He was pleading. As if his entire life depended on you staying at the apartment.

"I will be here reading these books." You lied, looking at the shelves filled with books.

He kissed you while holding your face, so roughly your lips began to bleed from his teeth. He gripped your side, pulling you closer. That in itself would leave a bruise on your hip.

He then kissed you slower, licking the specks of blood that now appeared on your lips.

"I love you." He said in between the long kiss. You smiled.

"I love you too." And with that, he stopped kissing you, and left.

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