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A loud sound coming from the night sky rumbled as we continue to stare at each other's eyes. Thunder roared the whole sea, completely ruined the mood that the moon and stars had set. The thunder scared the hell out of me. I feel like my dying soul moved out my tired body, for real. People around us started to panic, birds and other animals were shocked because of it. All of them started to move, pack their things and went home as soon as the thunder finished its bragging growl like a lion to its prey. Minutes later, we were the only people left at the seashore.

Dear Zeus,
I want to commend you for your perfect timing. *wink*

I blinked my eyes slowly and breathed heavily to compose myself from being startled. I then closed my eyes a little while and lowkey wished that his eyes are still locked at mine. When I opened it, I was relieved from what I saw.

I smiled. 

This is the first time someone made me smile.

He didn't leave.

He stayed with me.

He stayed by my side ignoring the threat of the growling thunder and of rain.


Isn't it too early to feel butterflies in my stomach?

He's a stranger. A stranger.

I stood up and hurriedly walked away from him, away from everybody 'cause no one's going to stay if they will see my true color. If they will know my true story. No one can accept me for who I really am. No one. 

After minutes of walking—no, running— I have reached my lifeless house not far from the seashore.

No, I shouldn't have felt that. I shouldn't have smiled with those words, with his smile, with him staying by my side. 

I shouldn't be fooled by him. He's an outsider.

Everything that happened earlier was a mistake.

Even that smile... was fake.


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