epilogue (1)

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If I only knew, I should have stayed with him even if he doesn't want me to. I've seen him lost himself, but I still let myself lost him. I closed his journal while this guilt feeling eating me up. So it's mom. It's all because of mom. But if I was brave enough to fight for him, this couldn't ever happened. I then looked at my precious sleeping Gun and I heavily sighs.  This man had gone through a lot.

Tears came out my eyes after realizing what had happened.  I held his hands, and prayed to God to grant him another chance to live his life. I never neither prayed nor begged Him for someone, but now I'm doing it because of Gun. I begged for hours, cried my heart out wishing that my tears could soften His merciful heart. I am so drained, devastated and broken.

I gently caresses his hair, my fingers slowly brushes his cheeks, my face moves closer to his, and I desperately whisper to him "wake up baby".  But he didn't answer me. So, I decided to take a rest beside him.

I opened my eyes, and the daylight greeted me. The sun is now up high claiming his throne, the birds are chirping, the trees were dancing along with the wind. Then, I heard a earsplitting horn coming from a truck then suddenly everything went black. Deafening silence followed, afterwards I heard a weeping sob.

I am now in dark room. The weary sobs filled the room, echoing and bouncing through this four-cornered room. I stoop up to find the owner of those sobs. I was running back and forth, feels like i'm trapped. Then suddenly at the right corner of the room I found him. I ran towards him fast as I could but when I was about to reach that person, he suddenly vanished like a smoke.

The door slammed which made my body startled, and woken me up. The doctors and nurses are now sprinting as they entered the room. Everything became chaotic, everyone got busier. But I was stunned, stoned, as I watch them do their duties on Gun.

Minutes have passed, they are still checking on him. I wanted to help but I don't know how to help them so I just stayed on my seat and prayed for Gun. Then, in the middle of my praying I felt his smooth and soft palm against mine. His eyes slowly opens up, then he looked at me, smiled and said,

"You found me again, Papii."

"Thank you."

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