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A week ago was the last time he texted me. I never saw him nor his shadow. Maybe I deserve this?  Who would want to stay with me? I rejected him, I deserve to be alone. Again.

It was a rainy night, the thunder growled sounded like pins hit by the bowling ball. The lighting was striking at the middle of nowhere, its mighty light illuminated the starless sky. I walked from school to home alone, soaked with the cry of the night sky.

My warm tears blended with the cold tears of the night sky as they fall through my body. I hugged myself while walking, looking desperately again. If you've seen me, you'll think I am a lunatic. Well, may be I am one?

I miss Papii, but I cannot do anything to mend this longing feeling because it was me who pushed him away. I've reached my house while my mind was wandering, looking for Papii. I looked for my keys on my drenched bag, took it out and open the gate not minding other people's businesses. I walked tiredly towards the door of this lifeless house. Upon opening it, I looked at the house beside ours. Maybe Papii is now happily resting at his room, I sighed. I envy him. Then, I unlocked the door, twisted the door knob, pushed it and I saw him.

Classing music from my old radio greeted me as it set the mood magnificently .

I love the touch of your hair
And when I look in your eyes

The living area was filled with balloons.

I just know, I know I'm on to something good

Flowers were perfectly arranged sitting on the floor.

And I'm sure, my love for you will endure

Yellow, blue, red lights became the lamp of this lifeless house. 

Your love will light up my world

Then, Papii came out wearing a red shirt and his moon-like bright smile.

And take all my cares away with the aching part of me

He walked towards me while his eyes were locked at mine.

You gave me a reason for my being

"Happy birthday, Gun", his therapeutic voice mended my wounded heart. I have forgotten my birthday but this man did not.

And I love what I'm feelin'

He was standing tall at me, he moved the cake a little forward at me for me to make a wish.

You gave me a meaning to my life

"Gun, close your eyes and make a wish", he said.

Yes, I've gone beyond existing

I closed my eyes. Warm liquid came out the end of my eyes and sobs played along the music. I opened my eyes, but my tears didn't stop from falling. I hiccupy smiled at him , and he smiled back.

"Will you be my birthday gift? Please be my boyfriend Papii", I asked him.

And it all began when I met you

and he said...



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