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After that day, I woke up with a less heavy feeling far from what I usually feel. I smiled at myself while looking at my reflection on the mirror beside me. For the first time, I felt complete and secured as I opened my eyes to greet the daylight. This is all because of that stranger.

Today is monday, so I have to go to school early as the birds. I did my usual routine then I hurriedly went out the house and locked the door. I fixed my uniform, wore my shoes, and checked the time, I still have 45 minutes left. As I was walking towards our gate I saw a white tote bag hanging on it. I took it and read the note that's inside of it:

"I know you will not eat your breakfast, take this and eat. Finish all of this, I cooked this for you. If you want to thank me, here's my number. Text me I will wait."

My heart skipped when I finished reading the last sentence, Text me I will wait. My mind kept on repeating those words which made me feel butterflies in my stomach. This stranger really is unpredictable.

I took out the food container, opened it and saw a hotdog, ham and rice with smiley faced ketchup on the top. Then, I read the note again, "Text me I will wait." My heart softened and felt my eyes got filled with water. This is the first time someone did this to me. After long years, this is the first time that someone cooked for me, someone is concerned in me. This is the first time someone takes care of me.


Isn't still early to feel butterflies in my stomach? He is still a stranger. I ran away from him yesterday when he asked me to be his friend. I already heard those words many times and all of them betrayed and left me. What if he's just like them? After he gets what he wants, he will just throw me away like a trash.


What if he's different? What if he was sent by the gods for me to have someone? What if he's destined to bring back the life of my hopeless heart? What if he will provide me a home?

Too many what ifs ran in my mind but I found myself texted him,

"Thank you for the food, Off. :)"


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