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I had breakdown and cried for hours. I decided to sleep to escape from reality and then Papii appeared in my dream, wearing the same clothes and smile he wore the first time we've met. His touches, His smile, his hugs felt surreal; he gave me comfort that I needed. Everything felt like home cause until now he's still my home.

I miss Papii every single damn day. It's been month and a half now since I last saw him. I wanted him back but I cannot afford to see him suffer because of me. I am a mess, I don't deserve someone like him. I need to let him go. He is a dove who deserves to fly high freely and not to be caged in me.

I love him so much but I must let him go to save him from agony and misery. I told you that no one could fix me, not even you. Not even Papii.

See you again in my dreams, Papii.


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