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I thought that the "special treatment" would last only for a day, but knowing that Off is unpredictable, it didn't stop there. I honestly got used to it, and if one day he will stop doing this I will surely be missing it. It's been almost two weeks now, and he is still giving me free meal every morning including weekends.

Today is Saturday. I woke up at my usual time of waking up, 10 am. Saturday is my free day and lazy day so waking up this late won't worry me much. I stretched my body, looked at my reflection in the mirror then smiled at myself, "You look fine" I said to myself.

I am proud of myself.

I am in a good mood today, I walked towards the balcony of my room to catch some fresh air and to hear my favorite sound— the sound of the waves of the beach. I roamed around my eyes to find a familiar face but I haven't found it. But what I have found is a familiar thing that's hanging on our gate. Excitement came to my system, so I rushingly went down to get it. I saw a note, "Eat well. Have a good Saturday!", and a food container with a sunny side up egg, ham, and rice with heart ketchup on the top.


Today's meal is way different from what he's usually giving me. From smiley face to heart, real quick. This stranger really is unpredictable. But, I still texts him every single damn day he gives me breakfast.

Gun: Thank you for the food. Do you want anything? Just wanna pay back your kindness.
Off: No, you don't have to. I'm doing this because I want to, not because I am expecting anything in return.
Off: Stop it, Gun. I'm offended.
Gun: Im sorry, Off. I just wanted to repay you.
Gun: You always give me breakfast. Come at my house tonight, I'll prepare dinner for you.
Off: Like I've said, you don't have to.

I pouted after reading his last reply. What's wrong with giving back what others gave you. I was about to throw tantrums when my phone vibrated.

Off: Ok, see you tonight. :)

This guy really is unpredictable.


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