Chapter 5: Suspicion

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The next morning was like any other morning had been with the epidemic. Yugi waking up and checking security cameras in case anyone infected tried to break in over the night.

Yugi sighed as he went through all the footage.

He could remember when he didn't have too worry about all of this. People were normal. The epidemic was nothing but some myth that parents told their children to scare them into not going out at night or into being good.

But now, it was a cruel reality.

And although his grandfather wouldn't admit it was true, all the stories seen on television got to the old man and he eventually installed locks on all windows, and added three or four more locks on every door, just for good measure.

And he expanded the security cameras to the outside as well as the inside, even monitoring the bedrooms and the kitchen and the personal rooms that weren't a part of the shop.

Just in case.

Yugi sighed, leaning back in his chair, hearing a few clinks in the kitchen: a signal that his grandfather was awake and was making breakfast for him and it was only a matter of minutes before he called up to Yugi in the security room to come down and eat.

"So, anything or anyone?" Yami's voice sounded through the quiet.

Yugi shook his head, a stressed look on his face.

"No...this is crazy, Yami..." Yugi muttered, "Why did this have to happen? To Japan? To everyone?"

Yami sighed, hugging him close.

"I don't know...nothing the Egyptians predicted ever foretold a hellish event such as something like this..." Yami returned, looking down, "It was never spoken of...not a word."

Yugi stood, going through Yami as he did so. Yami turned and began to disappear as his aibou went into the kitchen with his grandfather, pretending nothing ever happened.

"So, was the footage clear?" Yugi's grandfather looked at him from behind a plate of pancakes that he placed in front of his grandson.

"Like always!" Yugi smiled, covering the stress immediately and then decided to cover it a little more with a comment, "I don't understand the huge fuss about security..."

His grandfather sat across from him, also sitting behind a plate full of pancakes.

"Oh Yugi, I don't understand it either." He said, cutting a bit and eating it soon thereafter, "But, with the big fuss over this epidemic, I think it's best that we take all precaution not to get the virus or to not let anyone infect us."

Yugi nodded.

"Sounds good to me, grandfather." Yugi smiled, swallowing.

Suddenly, in the silence that quickly followed afterward, Yugi did a quick scan of the room. He noticed his grandfather's shot gun was out in the corner, not too far from the table they sat at. Yugi tilted his head.

"Grandpa? Are you going anywhere?" Yugi asked him.

"Hunting. Hopefully, I'll bring back something to eat tonight." Grandpa smiled back at Yugi.

Yugi licked his lips. It had been almost months since his last hunting meal. He heard Yami go "Yum" in the link between their minds and slightly chuckled, receiving a strange glance from his grandfather.

"What are you laughing at?" He asked, concerned and the slightest bit worried.

"Oh, Yami was being silly." Yugi smiled.

Yugi stood and slung his school bag over his shoulder, smiling at his grandfather.

"Well, I'm off to school!" He grinned, walking for the door, "I'll be back hopefully before you go! See Ya then!"

His grandfather only slightly nodded, pretending to be his usual self. But he couldn't stop thinking about what he assumed to be Yugi's "imaginary friend".

Yugi spoke fondly about this..."Yami", or at other times was called "Atem". He enjoyed hearing all these stories he told him, and he even was a little fascinated by all the thought his Yugi put into all of his stories.

But it worried him now how much Yugi spoke of him. How Yugi could practically SEE him. It concerned him so much.

He hated the fact, but he couldn't help but amuse the thought that came across his mind time and time again.

Perhaps...he could be going insane?

Had Yugi gotten the Insanity virus?

From who???

Grandpa shook his head, disagreed with the fact. He couldn't let his child get the virus. He wouldn't allow for it. His child and her husband were brutally murdered by a victim of the virus. He wouldn't let his highschool grandchild be infected by the very virus that causes his child's death.

Grandpa looked at the phone beside him. His eyes trailed to the phone book beside it and sighed.

After those facilities were opened, everyone was given a phone book that was put together by the government with the hundreds of numbers for all the facilities located in all the states and all the countries just in case anyone brought it on travels or such.

He knew exactly were the number for the Domino City facility was. And he was very tempted to pick up the phone and dial, turning his grandson in for treatment. He didn't want Yugi to become a wanted criminal.

But before he opened the book, he looked away, busting himself instead.

He wouldn't turn him in.

Until he got proof.


Author's Note:


Suspense to da MAX!!! And these next few chapters are going to be VERY suspenseful!!! I have a lot of ideas for these next few parts, so LET'S HOPE IT GOES WELL!!!!

Anyway, after a day of Dancing and X Box, I FINALLY get around to WattPad and typing things up for your enjoyment!

ALSO. In regards to In Safe Hands and Insanity comments...SOME OF YOU ARE SO PHILOSOPHICAL!

And I'm talking about people like JerzaEvin ! I mean, I hope she doesn't mind me pointing her out, but ESPECIALLY her!


*Spoiler of ISH2: A lot of the people who commented on the chapter where Jaden dies and says he "died a death worth dying" or "He died a hero's death". You guys make me feel bad!! In the best way!!!*

I mean, I have nothing against you guys, but wow!! I'm actually sorta impressed!

BUT ANYWAY, that was our fifth chapter and we are already about to DELVE into the madness. (Literally! X3)

So, what did you think?




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