Chapter 10: Breakfast

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Yugi slept that night, lightly and tense. He didn't want to be in this place. He wanted to go home. He wanted to go back to the game shop and back to his grandfather.

But... why would his grandfather send him away after all the things Yugi said to make him believe the truth?

To make him believe that he wasn't insane?

Did he believe he wasn't insane?

Now, Yugi could never be sure. His sleep faded out to restlessness and sooner or later, he sat up in bed, unable to get the rest he needed if he was going to take this place head on.

"Yugi, what's wrong?" A voice in his head sounded, a young man appearing by his side, sitting on his bed with him.

Yugi didn't look at him.

"...everything." He said, shaking his head, "Every single thing..."

Yami put an arm around him, the sense of guilt he had harbored for hours now still there, causing his heart to throb with sorrow.

He couldn't help Yugi now. He couldn't help him escape. If he tried, Yugi could be moved to a bigger facility. With more strict rules. With worse consequences than just memory loss. He could be bound to a straight jacket, never to see the light of day again.

Yami couldn't bear the thought of that ever happening to his beloved.

But he didn't know what to do to get Yugi out of this situation.

"I thought grandfather trusted me... I thought he did..." Yugi cried, "I-I thought-"

"Time to wake up!" A voice from the outside suddenly called, several other voices echoing the same message.

A head poked its way into the room and a brunette Yugi had recognized locked eyes with him.

"290-19! Time for you to wake up!" He said, winking, "Breakfast in at 8! Be there or be square!"

Yugi nodded.

"Yes, Jaden." He pretended to yawn and stretch, trying to play off his restless night.

Jaden left and went to the next door as he and several other patients woke up the others who had only recently come in.

Yami tried to chuckle, attempting to lighten the mood a bit. Yugi looked at him.


"They already have your scrub chosen for you." He smiled slightly, "I wonder how they did that while you sat awake all night."

Yugi shrugged and stood, the lights in his simple room turning on as though it was on cue. He picked up the scrubs and put them on, careful of the time that read on the alarm clock beside his bed.

He didn't want to find out what would happen if he was late to breakfast. This place scared him enough. The least he could do was obey their commands in terms of when to eat.

Yami looked away as he did so, having enough decency to give his Aibou the privacy he needed. Yugi turned, now fully dressed in his single colored clothing.

"Yami?" He straightened it out, slightly disgusted by the uniform, "What do you think?"

"Can I say anything to make you change?" Yami returned, looking him up and down.

"I suppose not." Yugi shrugged slightly and turned, the alarm clock beeping when it hit 8:00, "You better go before they hear me talking to you. I can't afford for any evidence of my insanity to come through..."

"Yes, aibou." Yami began to fade, "I'll see you tonight."

Yugi left there, Yami following, but staying entirely out of his way, so as not to distract him.

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