Chapter 8: Betrayal

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Yugi collapsed onto his bed, tears streaming down his cheeks as he stared up at his ceiling.

Shaking, he pulled the covers up to his chin. His best friend had just killed himself in front of him two days before and he had no idea how he was going to go on without Joey.

Joey was the last one he had.

Joey was the only friend he truly trusted and knew understood him no matter what he was going through. He was always going to be there, whether he understood or not.

Yugi whimpered and swallowed a large lump in his throat that had begun to grow.

"J-Joey..." He whispered, "W-Why...?"

Yami appeared beside him and sat on the bed, his gaze downturned. He put his hand on top of Yugi's and Yugi looked at him, biting his bottom lip.

"He was the last one..." He whispered, his voice still shaky, " last one....the only one...that knew I-I wasn't crazy..."

Yami lay next to him and hugged him closely.

"I-I know...I...I'm sorry, Yugi..." He responded, his voice low.

Yugi buried his face in his chest, his tears increasing.

"Y-Yami...he...h-he's gone..." He cried, "A-And...we c-can't even...give h-him a proper...f-funeral and b-burial... after e-everything he did f-for me..."

Yami remained silent, not having any idea of what to say next. As much as he wanted to, there was no way he could help his aibou more than just being there for him to talk to.

He also understood, in his short time there with Yugi in this apocalyptic world, that funerals were now out of the question.

Funerals had been deemed too risky in causing insanity, likely to start the first stage of Insanity:

Sadness and hurt caused by the death of the loved one laying in the coffin in front of them all. It was bound to be one of the main causes of the depression that eventually led to the next stages that plunged a person into the depths that was Insanity.

Yugi still cried into Yami's chest and Yami kept him close, feeling his own eyes fill with tears.

"Oh Yugi..." He whispered sadly into his Aibou's ear, "...I'm s-so sorry..."

Yugi only choked back a sob and sniffed abruptly, looking up at him and choking back another sob.

"Y-Yami..." He whimpered.

Yami held him closer still. Yugi cried against him for what felt like forever.

Outside, standing silent and listening to the young teenage boy, was his grandpa, or Solomon. He knew what happened and had it cleaned up, but worried greatly about his grandson. Yugi was the last trace of his close family that he had.

If he lost Yugi to this virus, he had no idea what he would do.

He knew what Yugi wanted. He wanted to go untouched by the people who ran the facilities that held the people with the virus. He didn't want to go into those places.

He didn't want to be deemed insane because he wasn't. Solomon liked to think that he wasn't, but he knew it wasn't entirely true.

Everyone knew that Yugi had an imaginary friend that he spoke to. Rumors floated around the school like letters in alphabet.

Eventually, the rumors exited the school and spread all around the city. Everyone knew about the young teenage boy that had the imaginary friend.

They were all just waited for this boy to go insane. They all had a feeling it was going to happen eventually.

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