Chapter 2: Living in Fear of the Predator

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Yugi and Yami walked home later that day, the streets deserted and the roads cracked and empty. A hollow wind blew across the way, ruffling Yugi's hair as Yami floated along his side, slightly transparent and only for Yugi to see.

They had remained in silence most of the walk home and Yugi had been silent the whole way there. His gloved hands were tucked into his jacket, for it was a fairly chilly day to be out in the city.

Yami watched him, seeing his slightly red nose and cheeks and sensing his slight shivers.

"Yugi?" He finally spoke, catching the young boy's attention, "Is everything alright?"

Yugi remained silent, not looking up at him before replying.

"" He said simply, his mind on one subject and only one, "Not really."

Yami tilted his head and eyed Yugi, concerned. Yugi's hair was ruffled by another gust that blew past him before continuing.

"Well, whatever could be wrong?" He questioned once more, "You've been silent all day."

Yugi stopped his staring and looking at Yami, still walking as he did so. He recalled seeing Joey that day, silent and to himself, doodling pictures in his notebook.

Not just any pictures.

They were dark spirals over twisted images that Yugi couldn't even make out. Yami had seen them to, but seemed only to brush it off.

Yugi couldn't help but feel concerned for his friend. Joey was his last bodily friend. His other friends either went missing or moved away, leaving him with Joey. No one else.

" saw Joey today..." Yugi muttered, half speaking to himself and half speaking to Yami, " he was drawing all through class today..."

Yami nodded upon hearing this.

"Why yes." He agreed, slightly grinning, "I believe he was thoroughly entertaining himself. Wish I could have done the same while Mrs. Tadashi ranted on procrastination again."

Yugi giggled slightly and looked at Yami, his grin fading to a look of fright and concern.

"Yami...I'm worried about Joey..." He said, not afraid to tell Yami about how he felt. He knew not to hide it from him, they did share the same body after all, "I mean, if I lose him...I w-won't have anyone..."

Yami went silent, looking through his mind for the right words to say, but upon searching, found none and crossed his arms, silent. He looked at Yugi, seeing how bothered he was. He could have sworn he saw his eyes quiver as if tears were rising from behind them.

"Y-You'll have me." Yami reassured him, "You'll always have me."

Yugi shook his head, stopping and leaning on a wall, biting his bottom lip.

"I-I know..." He said, his voice shaking ever so slightly, "But...I meant someone I c-can see...someone that isn't invisible..."

Yami fell silent once more.

"J-Joey and I Sh-share many p-pain..." He muttered, looking down as the tears continued to rise, "He kn-knows what it's like to be hurt...he makes me laugh...makes me feel better when I need it...and...

"he's the only o-one left..."

Yugi slid down the wall and shook his head, hugging his knees. He sighed, shaking with the breath. He still couldn't understand it.

He was once a part of a group of friends that had five members who all cared about each other more than anything. But then, this sickness comes in and makes one leave the country, two go missing, and leaves only two left to fight for their lives in a pending wasteland.

"The..." Yugi repeated to himself, swallowing the massive lump in his throat, " left..."

Yami knelt beside him, not knowing what else to do. He wrapped his arms around him in a tight hug, for he could also feel the sadness radiating in the link and in the physical touch he felt.

"It's gonna be okay..." He whispered into his ear, "It'll all be alright in the end...I promise."

Yugi only whimpered, nuzzling into his shoulder. His tears didn't fall from his quivering eyes. He didn't want them to. He wouldn't allow them to. There was a huge risk that the rumor that floated around school was true.

The rumor said that the first phase of insanity was sadness and hurt. The second was silence and personal reservation. The third phase was dark thoughts that ran through your mind. The fourth was anger and aggression, in which you began to begin to take notice to weapons in everyday things like forks and knives. The fifth was the final stage that was the worst phase of them all, being the point of no return: instinctive murder.

Once you reached instinctive murder, you weren't able to be stopped. Your inner predator instincts take over, hijacking your mind and taking over your actions and words, making whatever is in your path prey.

That prey is always your target until you kill it, and then you go on to the next thing in your way.

It was known everywhere that everyone was always being watched, and if anyone showed depression and sadness, they would be at the top of the list for being taken into one of those facilities.

Those wretched facilities.

The council didn't want to take any chances and so, if anyone cried or showed depression, they were tracked down and were stopped on the dime. You could never get away from them once they had you in their sights.

And these thoughts and reminders spooked Yugi.

He and Yami sat there, both of them having the same thoughts and the same feelings.

Fear and fright.


Author's Note:


Ya'll thought you saw the last of this story, Eh? Well, I have one simple word to well you:


I am still writing this story, but with In Safe Hands, I have been more focused on that story than this one, but since we are kinda getting close to the end of that story, here we are with this story~!!


Be expecting more updates because I am in the HOUSE!! YAH!!!


Anyway, enough of my fest here, yes I am back, and yes, I will be updating this story more often. Therefore stay tuned~!!

Also, I need to give a lot of credit, then again, to the amazing author of "The Program", which is also the book that this story is based off of, and her name is Suzanne Young~!!

Check out her books...I don't know if she is on WattPad, though.

But if she is, follow her and give her some love~!! She deserves it!

Anyway, yeah! I would also love to see some comments in order to get some feedback!! Then again, I absolutely love seeing into your thoughts~!!

And VOTES ARE ALSO GREATLY APPRECIATED! They are awesomely awesome, and you can't be them!

At all! Just like you guys! No one can beat you and the support you give! You're awesome!!! *^^*




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