Chapter 3: Ghost Town

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Later that night, Yugi and Yami got back into the small and run down game shop that Yugi called home the door opened with a light jingle from the bells on the hinge. The bells clanged together and Yugi could hear his grandfather from behind the desk, rummaging around with some old game cards he had on sale for almost half a year now.

Yugi noticed the layer of dirt that covered the goods. It reminded him of what had happened to Domino after the many Insanity cases that struck all around the world, but it seemed that Japan was taking it the hardest.

Yugi remembered when he was only a couple years younger and no matter where you went, people were out and about, vending machines were open, shops were full of people, but the sidewalks and the roads where even more full. People were everywhere, laughing with each other, talking, and just making Japan a play that anyone could enjoy living in.

But start covering cases of infective psychopathic killers, and you can sweep all of those people away in less than a couple months.

At first, people didn't believe it. People just shrugged it off as though it was nothing but just a story told just to make the news more interesting than it already was. People didn't think it existed, so they just ignored it. But, after a week they had more and more stories covering murder case: Parents were turning against children. Brothers against Sisters. Friends against Friends. It was getting everywhere.

Soon, there was a large amount of people who disappeared, and the experts of Japan believed that their disappearances were all linked to various murder cases. The meetings that Japan would hold with leaders from other countries were all to talk about a cure to the Insanity virus, for it was quickly sweeping through the entire world. Every single doctor from all the select hospitals from around the world was required to go to these international meetings.

The newspeople of every single continent covered every single moment that passed in these meetings that took place every other week. The main subject of the matter was the search for the cure for the virus. Every doctor was on the case. If they found any traces in patients of any of the phases, they were forced to tell what stage the person was in, and they would put statistics together to tell how rapidly the disease was spreading.

This seemed to work for a while. The virus was able to be contained for maybe a year. Any patients found were immediately relocated to the facilities that were on total lockdown. Employees who were forced to work there weren't allowed to leave or weren't allowed to tell what went on in the walls of those facilities. It was contained and people weren't infected for months, and eventually the people who had been infected came back out, clean and new. No infections and no signs of Insanity.

These meetings went on in order to keep the lock down on the Insanity virus in play. The leaders of every nation agreed that if they wanted to protect their people, they had to take every precaution, so they didn't let their gaurds down. This same processes were used: any suspicious activity was reported and taken care of, and the person brought into the facilities were released after a few months, safe and trained.

Until in one meeting, everything went wrong.

The African leader came, complaining that his head hurt. He seemed to be preoccupied throughout the entire meeting, scribbling on pieces of paper or napkins, not really listening to anything that went on in the meeting. Reports said that he had been badly affected by a massacre that took place because of a person who had caught the Insanity virus, killing a large portion of a big village in southern Africa, and to make things worse, his wife was there, being among the dead victims. He was very depressed about his wife's death for a long time.

Phase 1: Sadness and Hurt. (Check)

Soon after, he would hole himself up in his office, saying that he had a lot of work to get done, but survellience footage of inside the office showed that all he did was scribble on papers, and if anyone entered, he demanded them to leave his office without another word.

Phase 2: Silence and Personal Reservation

Eventually, he began taking in clients again, but they noted that he would look at them in a funny way, while muttering twisted things that no one could understand. He began drawing scenes of violence, leaving them in the mailboxes of his fellow workers.

Phase 3: Dark Thinking

Soon, when the meeting came around and he was packing, he'd yell at anyone. It was really hard not to get yelled at. He was furious at anything, almost to the point that he would scare off the majority of people who worked with him. He would ask for nothing but knives and forks regardless of what he was eating. He was growing to be a mad man.

Phase 4: Anger and Agression

At the meeting, around the end and when the leaders were about to depart, the African official lost it. He went to Phase 5, which was Instinctive Murder. He jumped onto the table punching and beating up anyone he got his hands on. He tackled and murdered all the officials there with nothing but the few pens he had in his pocket and his briefcase.

The news was all over this in an instant, covering this story and the scary events that went on during the meeting to stop this virus, but only seemed to make it worse.

Needless to say, people got scared.

Yugi could remember how before all this, he had to work overtime with his grandfather because they had so many customers coming in and out every single day. Yugi's grandfather loved it. Yugi did too, for he was actually payed a weekly allowance for helping his grandfather with the shop.

But, as the stories got more and more frequent, the exact opposite happened with the customers.

The last customers to come through the clanging doors came in months ago. They were slightly frazzled from the many stories, but they came in anyway and bought what they could of what was on sale. But after that day, no one came. No one went. The city of Domino seemed to be deserted almost like a ghost town.

Yeah. That's what Japan was now.

A ghost town. A shell of what it once was. A city that used to have people everywhere, shows coming in and out, amazing lights, it was like the New York City of America.

Now, it was the exact opposite.

The definition of an abandoned civilization.

A ghost town.


Author's Note:

Here it is, folks~!!

Along with finishing my In Safe Hands book, starting the second book of the In Safe Hands series, and also doing an Egyptian paper for school, I FINALLY got around to doing this little beauty~!!

And I know. I have a whole big thing about that Insanity virus going on. I have even more!

Man, the things you can come up with when you read "The Program"...anyway, this book was inspired by her even better story~! I am on the second book in her series...still. But it is AWESOME!!

So, let's get back to business!

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Anyway, yeah! Vote and Comment please~! I woulod really appreciate it! And the more votes and comments I get, the more I'll update! And with ISH finised, I might even have a lot more time to work on these chapters in this book~!





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