Chapter 9: Into The Asylum

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Yugi's eyes were closed. He was scared. He didn't even know how long he was there for. He didn't know where he was.

How long has it been?





He remained silent.

"Yugi..." A voice whimpered through the darkness that surrounded him.

Yugi perked up at the sound of the voice and looked around. It was Yami!

"Yami?" He asked, trying to make out a light in the darkness all around him, "Yami, is that you? What's happening to me?"

He got no response. The phantom voice he didn't recognize spoke once more, laughing along with several other voices as well.

"This guy must have fallen pretty hard!" It laughed, "I've heard of people not wanting to come to this place, but none of them ever literally tried to kill themselves to stay out!"

Yugi paled.

He dreaded coming to the place the voice was speaking about, yet he made it here.

"Okay, they told us to give this guy a tour, but he's out of it." Another voice said, " the medication ready?"

Medication??? Yugi paled further, straightening up.

Suddenly, light flooded the darkness and Yugi was in a large room. It was bare. There was nothing but a bed he sat on and a bedside table that had a phone and an alarm clock on it. Two young boys stood in front of him in scrubs with grins on their faces.

"D-Don't touch me!" Yugi put his hands up defensively, shaking ever so slightly.

"It speaks!" The one closest to him said, laughing harder, "We were getting worried for a moment!"

Yugi fell silent. He didn't want to be here. It was only a matter of time before his personality was wiped clean, day by day. He looked around, not saying a word.

"My name is Jaden Yuki. But my friends call me Judai." The closest one spoke once more, grinning once his laugter subsided.

"And I am Jessie Anderson." The other boy spoke up afterwards, nodding politely, "But my friends and some of the patients and doctors here call me Johan."

"......." Yugi remained silent, knowing they would aquire his name, but he didn't trust them at all.

The boys exchanged glances before Jaden stepped forward. Yugi jumped back.

"Oh!" Jaden chuckled slightly, "Don't be so scared! I've heard what everyone has said about this place, but it really isn't as bad as you think."

Yugi didn't look up.

"You work her..." He muttered, "Of course you would say something like that..."

"It speaks!" Jessie laughed, not hearing exactly what he had said.

Jaden chuckled and turned.

"Yugi, follow us. Your records have been sent in, so there is no need for introduction. Jessie and I were assigned to give you the formal tour of the facility." Jaden said, grinning slightly, "This is your room, where you are to spend your time after dinner and before breakfast. If you must go into your room in between those times, you are to ask for supervision. We can't have any suspicions here."

Yugi silently stood and listened. It wasn't like he had anything else to do.

Jessie walked on one side of him and Jaden on the other, giving Yugi a sense of alertness in case they tried anything. He didn't trust them at all, despite their laid back personalities. Jessie motioned to a large cafeteria full of tables, shown through a wall of windows that surrounded the room.

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