Chapter 4: Stories of The Past

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The night passed on like any other. Even though the world was under an epidemic where no one was safe, time still went on and passed like it always had. Time just rolled on as if nothing was happening.

Yugi envied it in a way.

Time was never affected. It never stopped, never slowed down no matter what it felt like, and it certainly was not worrying about anything other than continuing on.

Yugi lay on his bed, staring up at the ceiling over him. Sighed, closing his eyes for few moments before opening them again to turn on his lamp. He slightly jumped when a loud clap of thunder roared above him.

He sighed, turning onto his side in his star pajamas and curling up, sniffing. Was it this hard when his parents were alive?

Did they have to face all of this pressure of being watched all the time?

Did they live in as much fear as Yugi did?

Yugi quickly silenced the questions. It's not like he was ever gonna know for sure, anyway. He shivered from the wind that came in from the window that sat open over the head of his bed.

"Brr..." He said through his chattering teeth, "It's cold tonight..."

Suddenly, a deep and soothing voice answered to his shivering comment. A young man a little older than himself materialized before his eyes and held him close to him. The ebony hair and crimson tips were too familiar to be mistaken to be someone else's own.

Yugi gazed into the crimson eyes that looked down on him lovingly.

"Y-Yami..." Yugi yawned.

Yami nodded and wrapped his arms around Yugi's waist, holding him against his chest. They both lay there together in each other's arms. Yugi nuzzled into Yami's neck, sniffling slightly.

"Atem?" Yugi looked innocently at his close companion.

Yami looked down at him.

"Yes, Yugi?" He returned.

"Could you tell me what it was like when you were back in Ancient Egypt?" Yugi asked.

Yami smiled and nodded happily. This was a nightly thing now between just the two of them. On nights when Yugi had trouble calming down for the night, Yami would tell his stories about his carefree life being a prince or a pharaoh in his ancient kingdom.

Centuries before the epidemic ever happened.

When things were normal and things like this was nothing but some myth. They didn't have to worry about being infected by some serial killer or being KILLED by some serial killer.

Yugi deeply longed to live in a world like that.

But when Yami told his stories, Yugi felt like he was actually there, by Yami's side, running through the sand of the Egyptian kingdom as a carefree child once more.

And these stories soothed Yugi more than anything else.

"But, again?" Yami chuckled deeply, smiling.

"Yes! Please!" Yugi slightly jumped and looked up at Yami, "Pleeeeeeease?"

"Oh, alright. Fine." Yami laughed, tucking Yugi into the covers and wrapping his arms around him to hold him against his chest, "Which one?"

"...the one about the spitting camel from that merchant who was passing through Egypt along the trading route and the camel spat on you!!" Yugi laughed.

Yami also laughed harder at the memory.

"Oh, not THAT one!!!" He said in his laughter, "That one is embarrassing!!!"

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