Chapter 11: Weak Link

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Yugi and the four extremely peculiar boys say around the table and spoke together, Yugi being mostly silent as the boys chattered about various subjects, more than half the time leaning into a fight from their conversation.

It amused Yugi and made him slightly smile since the first time he had gotten inside of these walls. The people here weren't bad...

It was what the procedures were that was bad.

Hacking into someone's mindset to control their emotions and sometimes even their actions???

That was worse than anything Yugi would have ever expected to be even considered to be a "cure" to this "disease".

Yugi looked around, the stainless white walls surrounding them all. The patients around him all wore scrubs, their colors applying to what they were in the facility.

Yugi wore the green Scrubs, which made him a mere patient who had to go by the word of the trustees, others dressed in yellow.

Yugi had met a few trustees. They gave him a tour of the facility and at let him know what everything was and where everything was. Jaden and Jesse were their names. And at least they were a little friendly.

They referred to Yugi much more than the number he had been given that had been tattooed on his arm. His arm began to scar from the numbers engraved in his flesh, the material beginning to burn into his skin.

Every time he moved him arm, the pain spiked suddenly and he would tense slightly from the suddenly pain.

Thus, he decided not to move his arm much if at all.

Yugi took in the sterilized surroundings around him. He saw all the patients in the cafeteria, most dressed in green and sitting down, eating their prescribed meals. That had been made for them far in advance.

The people dressed in scrubs walked around the cafeteria, tending to the patients that hadn't made it up to the title of "trustee" just yet. Yugi watched all of them as they did their jobs without a second thought.

Almost as though they feared the result of what would happen if they did not apply with what the rules told them to do.

Yugi turned slightly and his eyes fell on two young teenage boys chatting to each other in a corner far from where Yugi was.

One was a brunette and the other had blue hair. The two of them laughed at something the other had said. Yugi smiled slightly as he watched them do so.

Maybe this place wasn't going to be so bad. I mean, the two boys over there seemed to have it going good for the two of them. They were both trustees and were free enough.

A lot more than the patients here from what Yugi could understand. He watched the two of them as the four boys around him quietly argued among each other.

The brunette locked eyes with Yugi suddenly and smiled, waving in his direction. This caught the blue haired boy's attention and he turned, locking eyes with Yugi as he did so as well.

Yugi smiled slightly, feeling his tension release ever so slowly and slightly.

Jaden and Jessie were their names. Yugi could finally remember what they were.

Suddenly, the door opened and the blonde that Yugi had run into before breakfast came walking in, his gaze fixed firmly on Jessie and Jaden, who stood on the other side of the room.

"Yugi." A voice suddenly sounded in Yugi's mind.

Yugi glanced around before finally resting his eyes on Yami, who had appeared slowly beside him.

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