Chapter 7: Pull of A Trigger

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Yugi walked into the school hall once more, seeing the same deserted halls as he had always seen. Everyone was in the class. Or...what was left of everyone...was in the class.

As Yugi walked down the empty and silent hall, he peered briefly into each class. The classes he passed seemed to vanish over time. He could remember walking down these halls and seeing tons of students rushing to their lockers to get to class on time so that they didn't have to meet with the nurse for being late.

No one wanted to meet with the nurse for anything.

She was the roughest, toughest woman on the faculty and staff here at Domino High. No one wanted to mess with her or even look her in the eye because she was so fierce and intimidating to the students.

However, before Yugi's bullying era was over, he visited a lot to have his bruises and broken bones tended to. He found that the nurse was actually very friendly despite her big build.

Yami agreed with him. For he also had the opportunity to meet with her a few times.

Yugi turned a corner and walked into the classroom, sitting beside Joey like he always did. Joey didn't look up. Instead, he doodled in his notebook.

Yami looked over to see what his drawings were.

Black spirals.

Yami appeared beside him, floating over the floor like he always did. Yugi looked down and sighed silently.

"You see the drawings too, right aibou?" Yami questioned him, resting a hand on his shoulder.

Yugi nodded slowly, putting his pencil down and putting his head on his desk.

"I just...this is crazy..." Yugi thought back to him through the link the two shared in between their minds.

Yami nodded and looked at Joey.

"Nothing we ever predicted about the future ever went along these guidelines back in Egypt." Yami agreed, nodding his head solemnly.

"He's just..." Yugi fell his eyes tear up and a lump form in his throat, "He's my...l-last friend...all the others...are either dead or sick with this virus...he's the only one I...h-have left..."

Yami hugged him, Yugi disappearing from the desk he sat in to hug him back, crying into his chest.

"This virus started out as nothing but a mere r-rumor..." Yugi said, his voice muffled by the fabric of Yami's shirt, "B-But how...could a r-rumor...turn into a nightmare??"

Yami quietly and gently shushed Yugi, running his fingers through his hair. Yugi looked up at him, tear stains on his cheeks from the tears he shed.

"Don't you want to invite Joey over tonight?" He asked, tilting his head, "Maybe if you two got together again...he'd snap out of it. Who's to say it wouldn't work?"

Yugi sniffled sharply, looking down and struggling to dry his tears. He gripped Yami's hand tightly, his gaze downturned.

"I-I..." He thought about it, now back in his seat, "I m-might..."

Yami nodded.

"Do it. Maybe it'll help Joey before anything bad happens to him." Yami reassured him.

Yugi nodded and tapped Joey's shoulder from where he sat beside him.

"Psst. Joey." He said, reached over.

Joey jumped, slamming his notebook shut and quickly putting down his pencil as he looked jerkingly to Yugi.

"O-Oh, hey Yug'." He said, smiling shakily, "W-What's up?"

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