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Juliet's POV
I was never the most athletic person. The few things that I am good at are things like writing and anything musical. But the sport I can do is ride dirt bikes. Since my friend Gia and I grew up riding in Omaha we are really good at it.

When I moved out to La I couldn't bring my dirt bike with me so today I'm getting interviewed at Starbucks where she works then we are going out to lunch before looking for my new dirt bike.

"Well thank you for stopping in! I will definitely be calling you within the next week to let you know if you got the job." The manager said. "Okay thank you so much! Have a nice day" I replied. I feel like my interview went well. I'm meeting Gia at Panera for lunch then we are off to buy me a new dirt bike. I'm honestly so excited, I really miss riding with Gia so this should be fun.

"Hey girl!" Gia smiled walking over to my car in the parking lot. "Ayyyyeee." "So let's order really fast, I can't contain my excitement." My best friend squealed. "Okay okay, calm down!" I said laughing. "Let's go." After we both got the Mac n cheese, bread, and unsweetened iced tea, we headed over to look at a few bikes.

We both showed up around the same time. The guy gave me a sweet deal and long story short I came home an hour later with my new dirtbike! Gia and I had a lot of catching up to do.

Bryant: Hey!!!! Your pictures are ready, you wanna get together so we can look at them. Maybe on Monday????

Me: I would love to but my friend and I are racing out dirt bikes on Monday. It's kinda an all day event.... 😁😁😁

Bryant: oooohhhhh.....

Me: yeah sorry... Maybe Tuesday

Bryant: I can't... Can I come to this race of yours. Maybe I can take some pictures???

Me: I guess so lol. You are more than welcome to.

Bryant: K great can I meet you at your apartment before it starts?

Me: sure! 👌

Bryant: k. Till then ☺️

1 week later

"I can't wait to see you race Juliet!" Jack Gilinsky encouraged me while Gia and I packed all of our stuff into her pickup truck. "Yeah if I remember correctly you're pretty good." Johnson says smiling. The smile turns into more of a smirk "but I'm better."

"Oh please Johnson, you couldn't even start up a bike if you tried..." Everyone but Johnson laughed. It went silent.... "True..." He said. We all burst into laughter. " I can't wait to see you race too Gia." Johnson said blushing.

They have something going on. It's kinda cute. But it's kinda gross, my cousin and my best friend..... Lol. They make each other happy so I guess I'm cool with it. It's not really my place to say anything.

At the race....

Bryant and the Jacks' went by to pick up Sammy and some other friend and Gia and I drove straight to the race. It started in 20 minutes. I'm so pumped right now.

"Gia, you know I love you but I'm gonna kick your ass in this race." I turned down the radio. "We'll see." Was all she said with a smirk. That's why we're best friends.

We showed up and got all set up. This is a little race so I shouldn't be nervous but almost every racer is a dude. We are the only two girls. I feel intimidated and I can tell Gia does too.

"Hey, don't be worried... We're gonna whoop them." Gia said showing a little confidence. "I know..." And with that the called a five minute mark which means we have five minutes to be ready and behind the gate.

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