369 35 0

Location: France, Paris at the 40th floor of the Pawn Building

Date: August 14th 2020

Time: 02:54 p.m

P.O.V: Y/N

Y/N: Are we going to wait even more ? I'm tired of doing nothing... I've been waiting here for a little more than twenty minutes....

(Are there only 6 people with me in this room ? If my estimate of the number of candidates was good, there should be more of us here. I can't be wrong over this.

The most logical explanation is found in what this staff member said. The "surprise" prepared by Miss Kang he was talking about. She must have done something to start making the selection. Many people probably do not have the chance to enter one of the buildings. There are seven of us in this room, we were about 5000 at the start, we should be 3000 now, that would be 1000 people per building and if the architecture is almost the same on each floor, with three main rooms, that gives about 8 people per room. I don't know if this information will be useful to me... I really think too much sometimes... It's not going to help me to know that.)

Y/N: I'm curious to know what could have happened outside...

(Speaking of which, surprisingly there are not many people on hand to supervise this test. There weren't many police officers or magicians outside to control and monitor the crowd of people that were there.

It was enough for a single criminal or a madman to be in it to make many victims. Even here, we are alone without anyone who keeps an eye on our actions.

At least there are cameras in this room, but that doesn't prevent them from being broken, they are very visible. You could say that the safety of this test really counts on the influence that Anna Qyllyos has on crime.

It's better for you to not undermine her project and to disturb its good progress, otherwise she will find you to make you suffer and take revenge. We are all civilized people anyway, there is no problem with that, nobody is going to do something bad....

I think... Surely.... I don't even know anymore.)

Y/N: I should really take care of my problems instead of thinking about the organization of the test, nobody asked me to do it, it's not my job either.

(I hope this girl can take the test without any problem... Why am I so concerned about her fate ?! What is this feeling ? Where have I seen her before ?! It seems that I have seen her hundreds of times ! I haven't lost my memory either. In my 18 years of existence I have no missing memories.... Let's think about this later....

For my part, I'll see if I can pass this test soon. It's impressive that they didn't ask for a registration made in advance with some information about us to find out the number of people wishing to take the test and have a way to contact us. They discovered the exact number of applicants at the same time as we did and they don't even know who we are.

On the other hand, even thinking about it several times, I really don't know why I was sent to this floor. What criteria did they use ? There are too many bizarre elements that take place. I clearly noticed that there is a reason for all of this, but I don't know why. It really stresses me out when I can't understand something.

I should clear my mind before the test begins. I have to stop thinking about things that are just going to disturb me. Y/N, breathe slowly, listen to the call of your pillow, your mattress, your duvet. They are waiting for you. You can't disappoint them ! Let's work hard now to be able to deserve the rest that awaits you.