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Date: 8/14/2016
Location: Forrest Hills, Queens

Veronica and Peter walked over to the window, raising it, the streets engulfed in darkness.

"W-What your just leaving?!" MJ asked in confusion.

"This is like the coolest thing ever!" Ned yelled. "Are you friends with Thor? And Black Widow-?"

"Ned, MJ, we'll answer your questions later I swear," Peter reassured. "Watch Elizabeth for us, keep her entertained. We...We'll be back soon."

Veronica nodded her head, stepping out into the fire escape. Peter wrapped his arm around her waist, and Veronica held two fingers to her temple and gave a small head nod before they swung off into the darkness to save May.


The restaurant was a fancy steak house located on the richer side of town. Veronica was on a roof at the left side of the building, Peter on a roof on the right side.

"Can you see anything?" Peter spoke into the comms.

She nodded, even though he couldn't see her. "Sixteen hostages; ten adults, three children, and three babies."

"Babies-?" he asked.

"Yeah, I think these people were having like a family reunion or celebrating a birthday or something." She lowered the binoculars from her face. "I'll go in, deal with it and try to take down the shooters. You try to get out all of the hostages. May is in the back tied to a chair."

"Is-Is she hurt?"

"She...Not too bad, it looks," she responded. "Nothing too severe, I think."

Their eyes met across the huge space between them. Veronica nodded her head to him before jumping off the side of the building, landing on a fire escape. She grabbed on to the railing and dove over, landing on top of a dumpster. Her feet hit the asphalt and she moved into the back door of the kitchens.

She could hear the children crying as she stepped into the kitchen, ducking down behind a metal preparation table and moving along the floor.

"C-Chris," May's voice spoke, spiked with pain. "Let them...let them go. This is between you and me-"

"NO!" the guy's voice yelled. "YOU BROKE MY HEART, NOW I'M GONNA BREAK YOUR'S!"

Veronica's eyes narrowed in confusion, the girl on all fours crawling on the floor before she sat on the tile floor, flattening herself against the cabinet. "Peter," she whispered, speaking into the comms.

"Yeah?" he replied.

"I'm inside, whenever you feel like crashing through the glass-" she began before she was interrupted by a shattering noise and clanging, the man soaring through the door to the kitchens and crashing into the refrigerators.

Veronica unclamped a knife from the belt around her waist, throwing it at the man and hitting him in the arm, puncturing his skin. He let out a groan, Veronica walking over to him. She kneeled down, pulling the knife out, the man wailing in pain. She grabbed his gun and unloaded it, throwing it over to the other side of the kitchens. "I hope that hurt," she told him, grabbing him by his shirt collar and pulling him up off of the tile floor, now smeared with his blood.

Veronica Barnes: Trained to KillWhere stories live. Discover now