Chapter 41

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And there it was, the familiar sound of AC/DC coming from my phone.

"It's my uncle," I said while standing up and walking away from the bench so Ned couldn't eavesdrop our conversation.

"You are so grounded again," Tony said before I could even greet him.

"What did I do wrong now?"

"Uhm... I don't know... Maybe you almost die or something, AGAIN!"

"Yeah, you got a point there. Look, I'm really tired and..."

"Nuh uh!" He interrupted me. "I'm on my way to DC right now and I'm picking you up. Don't talk to anyone except for Happy and me."

"You mean I'm supposed to ignore my friends?"

"You have friends?"

I rolled my eyes. "The joke is getting old, please stop it."

Tony started talking to me again, but I got distracted when I saw Peter walking in the distance, heading in our direction. What was he doing here?

"Understood?" Tony said.

"Hm?" I shook out of my own thoughts.

"Understood?" Tony repeated himself.

"Yeah, yeah, sure." I had no idea what I just agreed on.

"Alright, see you within an hour. Bye, bye." And he hung up.

Peter had come closer and sat down next to Ned. I kept my phone to my ear and summoned Friday.

"Activate Enhanced Reconnaissance Mode on Peter Parker and Ned Leeds, please," I spoke.

Immediately I could hear their voices through my phone.

"Dude, that was so cool, how you saved all of us!" Ned said.

"Yeah, but dude, did you tell Natalie?"

"Tell her what?"

"Did you tell her that I am Spider-Man?" Peter whispered with a high-pitched voice.

"No, of course I didn't tell her that you are Spider-Man. Why would you think I told her that you are Spider-Man?"

"Because..." Peter sighed. "She said my name."

"What do you mean, dude?"

"You know, when the elevator fell down and I caught her? She said 'Peter'."

Did I? Why did I? The whole incident was all a blur to me now.

"Dude, are you sure?"

"Yes, I am. So, did you tell her?"

"No, I didn't. Don't worry about it. I don't think she knows you are Spider-Man."

"Then why would she say my name?"

"Dude, because she's in love with you." Ned stated.

I forgot how to breath for a few seconds. Did Ned really say that? And did I agree with his statement? I wasn't sure. A hundred of emotions had already flowed through my body this day, I couldn't handle any more.

"She's what?" Peter stuttered.

"She said she loved you, right? In the hotel?"

Ned knew about that? It felt kind of cute Peter told him about our moment, but also scary. What else did he tell him?

"Yeah, she did," Peter said.

"So, she was just calling for you."

"Why would she call for me? We broke up."

"Dude, are you stupid?" Ned chuckled. "You can't tell me Natalie has lost her feelings for you and nor did you lose your feelings for her."

Peter didn't respond, so Ned continued: "She was scared. She thought she was going to die, so she called for the person she loves. I think you should go to her, when she was just sitting next to me, she was still shaking."

Still shaking, I saw Peter looking up. Our eyes met.

"Who is she talking to?" he asked Ned.

Right, I still had my phone pressed to my ear.

"Her uncle."

"As always." Peter shook his head.

I felt bad.

"Friday, turn off Enhanced Reconnaissance Mode," I said and put my phone away.

I noticed Peter standing up and walking towards me. I uncomfortably put my hands in the pockets of my jacket, not knowing where else to put them. I stared at the ground until I saw his sneakers enter my eyesight and looked up.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey," I responded.

He looked down. "How are you?"

"Under the circumstances, I think I'm okay."

"Great," Peter said, looking at me.

After a moment of silence, I asked: "How's your stomach?"

"My stomach?"

"Yeah, Ned said you had a stomachache."

Peter frowned. "Right, yeah, I'm doing fine, thanks. Great job at the Nationals by the way."

"Thanks," I said.

We looked at each other. It was very awkward but comforting at the same time.

"Look," Peter said. "I know we broke up, but do you allow me to give you a hug?"

I chuckled. "Peter, you will always be allowed to give me a hug."

He smiled and wrapped his arms around me. Not for long, but long enough for me to remember how much I missed his touch, his warmth, his smell, and especially his love.

"You're shaking, are you sure you are okay?" he asked, giving me a worried look.

"I think it's just the adrenaline," I said.

Peter nodded, keeping the worried look on his face. "Glad Spider-Man was there."

"Very glad, I would be dead if he didn't join the party."

Suddenly, Peter smiled. "Hey, you're still wearing the bracelet I made you."

I looked at my wrist. "Yeah, of course I am. It still is the best birthday present I ever got."

I noticed Peter biting his lip, looking at the bracelet. I wanted to say so many things, but didn't know where to start.

We were interrupted by someone yelling Peter's name. It was his aunt May, who came to pick up Peter and Ned.

"Do you want to come with us?" Peter asked.

I wish I could say yes.

"No, sorry, my uncle will pick me up."

"Of course he is. See you another time." And he walked away. He turned his head one more time, giving me a look I couldn't read. Was it anger? Was it sadness? Was it compassionate? Was it caring? Was it reproachful? Was it frustration? I had no clue. I wished I could read his mind. Or even better; tell him what was going on in my life.

 Or even better; tell him what was going on in my life

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