More New People?!

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Last time on the 'Anime Smackdown': Kon, finally awake after being placed in his body, got up and was about to start pacing until he realised Yuzu was directly in front of him... but she wasn't looking at him, she was looking at the redhead standing directly in front of them...

Fairy Tail pov

After 2 minutes or so of staring people slowly went back to what they were doing before. "Hmmm," Erza hummed signalling that she was thinking. "I'll have to keep an eye on that..." She mumbled quietly.

"Now where were we? Oh yes, you were explaining to me about these devil fruits and the place of which you came," She finished to Ace. "As I said before, we are on the Straw Hat pirate ship, and the devil fruits are incarnations of the sea Gods. Eating one takes away the user's ability to swim and where we are from it's quite common to find people like pirates or marines, you know, people who have often been out at sea for long amounnnn....." Ace fell asleep in the middle of his explanation.

Erza was about to wake him up when she noticed a certain salmoned haired dragon slayer talking to one of the people from the now identified pirate ship. He was wearing a straw hat and an open, orange vest. Erza decided to find out what they were talking about.

"YOU'RE A PIRATE!? That's so cool!" Natsu yelled at straw hat. "Yeah, it's awesome!" He replied happily. "You wanna join my crew?" Luffy asked childishly, Natsu laughed. "Nah, I'm a wizard and I'm already in a guild, and I think a crew might be like a guild, but thanks anyway," Luffy looked at him then made a confused face. "How did you make flames come from no where, and eat Ace's ones?" He finally asked. "I'm a Dragon Slayer, of course! I was raised by this fire Dragon named Igneel and he taught it to me, along with heaps and heaps of other cool stuff!" Natsu answered with a laugh.

By this point Erza had become quite intrigued by this conversation that she had burly noticed when once again the orange haired women had come over to her. "Those 2 get along almost to well..." She commented. "Yes, well," Erza agreed. "Do you by any chance happen to know why he continuously falls asleep?" She ended the topic and started a new one. "Actually, if I recall correctly then he has narcolepsy. Oh! I forgot to introduce myself when we were talking before! I'm Nami," She answered. "And I am sorry sorry about them." She continued, pointing at the so called 'pirate' crew.

Nami was about to continue when Erza noticed a strange looking raccoon-dog. "It's so... so cute..." Erza began walking towards the 'raccoon-dog' with a slight blush and sparkling eyes. Nami sighed and caught up with her. "His name's Chopper." She said. As Erza approached, a small shiver went down the 'raccoon dog's' spine, something felt off... he turned his head to see Erza almost right behind him. "Ahhhhhhhhh!" He shouted loudly, causing every one aboard the ship to look.

Chopper hid behind the main mask of the ship... but it wasn't exactly RIGHT, so-per-say. Once again Erza was bewildered by his cuteness. "He's hiding back to front! It's so cute! Little Raccoon-Dog!" Suddenly the raccoon-dog started doing this weird wiggling dance, similar to the chiefs but way cuter. "I won't except your complements! Idiot!" Chopper said blushing.

He suddenly stopped dancing and made a cute (and funny) angry face. "And I'm not a raccoon-dog! I'm a reindeer!" He said, trying to be stern, but his cute little voice wouldn't have it. "And it talks!" Erza called out, rather loudly. She was about to pounce on the unsuspecting reindeer when the familiar orange haired girl from before called down the ship, "Every one, look! Someone else is coming through!" Every one knew what she was talking about (minus the sleeping idiot and two food maniacs), the black portal, and looked towards it.

Sure enough, another group of people exited it. They took about 10seconds before realising what was going on, and they began looking between each other. Erza forgot all about the reindeer and a walked over to the edge of the ship to observe. She quickly stopped and headed towards the new arrivals...

Next time on the Anime Smackdown: Erza questions the new arrivals and soon all of the new people are invited to come in the guild hall. A few arguments start between the groups and fights begin. After the fights are resolved Erza and a boy with white hair make the point that 'the new comers need a place of residence', and as such arrangements are made. Even though most of the people still don't trust each other friend-ships are formed. What kind of activities will they get up to? And will they get along?

That moment when you realise: Oh yeah, I'm writing a story... WAIT WHAT!!!! And proceed to have a panic attack. Well I'm a Baka, now aren't I? I am hopeless and am very sorry... I suppose because I'm in the 'smart class' and have to do work a year above me for some unknown reason and get 10 times the amount of homework to the other 6 clases of my year group doesn't help any, now dose it? Thank you all so very much for reading my story!!(fanfic) It means alot:D Oh and I don't own any of these Anime or Anime characters, just my own unique story line. (Baka means idiot, for the record)

Anime Smackdown(a Bleach, One Piece, InuYasha, Fairy Tail and Blue Exorcist FF)Where stories live. Discover now