Time For A Meeting

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Last time on the 'Anime Smackdown': Sure enough, another group of people exited it. They took about 10seconds before realising what was going on, and they began looking between each other. Erza forgot all about the reindeer and a walked over to the edge of the ship to observe. She quickly stopped and headed towards the new arrivals...

Fairy Tail pov

In about 30 seconds Erza was by them, and being stared at by all of the group. Most of them were in casual clothing, except for two younger girls, who were in school uniforms. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" She asked the same as every other time. A kid who looked to be about Wendy's and Romeo's age answered, much to her surprise.

"My name is Toshiro Hitsuguya. As for how we came into this situation, I am not sure. My associates and I went to inform an acquaintance of ours of some unfortunate happenings in his area, then chaos erupted as a large number of his friends and comrades appeared from out of the blue, before this gagon-" he was cut off by a young woman with short, black hair. "Portal! Right captain Hitsuguya?" She said quickly.

Toshiro looked as if he was going to say more before yet another interruption befell him. "And on that note, would you happen to know why we're here?" A guy with weird purple hair with a yellow feather sticking out to the right of his right eye and a red one going upwards said. "Because she really would of asked if she knew." A guy with red hair and forehead tattoos answered. "Would you stop interrupting me!" The white haired child called out angrily.

So he is a kid after all... Erza thought. "As I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted," he directed the last part at the two from before, "People appeared from no where before the portal opened up taking us here. After that we had a small conversation, as we were still confused, about our state of being." He finally finished.

Suddenly a toy lion jumped up and began rubbing his cheek against Erza's armoured chest. "Ohh!" He cried, "Please hold me beautiful goddess!" He continued. Erza punched him to the ground. "Kon! What have I told you!" An orange haired teenager said angrily. "Don't worry about him, he's just an idiot-," He was interrupted by the lion, "Hey!" The orange haired teenager continued, "As I was saying.." He glared at the toy and it backed off, "Don't pay any mind to what he says or does." He finished. "I see." Erza replied.

~Fairy Tail pov- with Gray~

Gray and the high schoolers watched as Erza walked the the new arrivals, "Man, that is one fine looking woman," Said a pink haired, male teenager with a goffy grin and weird staff-thing. "Shut up Shima!" The black haired guy with the gold strip snapped. "Seriously, these guys fight as much as the guild members..." Mira mumbled, a depressed ora surrounding her. "Well anyway! Come on Gray, Juvia, I think this would be a very good time to leave! Very nice talking to you!" Mira finished, rather excitedly. "Hey! I'm not done here!" Gray yelled as Mira attempted to drag him away by the ear.

As they Mira continued pulling Gray and Juvia away, they heard one of the high schoolers talk. "I'm bored! That's it! I'm gonna go talk to them!" He said, rather loudly. Gray turned to see the guy with the dark blue hair pointing at the group dressed medieval like. He began to walk towards them when a boy with brown hair who looked ever-so-slightly like the blue-haired one stopped him.

"Rin! Were you even listening to the conversation with that woman, Erza?! Seriously Rin, I don't know why but I think getting on her bad side could be a very bad decision. Also we still don't know what happened, so going off on your own could be a very bad idea, seriously, do I have to tell you everything Rin?!" He brown headed boy scolded. "I don't care! I'm bored, he came over here when he wasn't meant to! If anyone else wants to come, just follow me!" He called, gesturing towards Gray when he said 'he came over here'.

Anime Smackdown(a Bleach, One Piece, InuYasha, Fairy Tail and Blue Exorcist FF)Where stories live. Discover now