Satan's Flame?

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Last time on 'Anime Smackdown': Luffy suddenly sprinted to his brothers side. "What Are you doing hear?!" Luffy half asked and half screamed at him, but before ace could answer his question Chopper suddenly shouted from the side of the ship,"Look!" He was pointing at yet another 'whirlpool' opening, but this one was blue...

Blue Exorsist pov

"Quick, Rin!" Yukio yelled as the two chased the huge horde of hobgoblins, Shiemi close in suite. Rin automatically new what to do, as he drew his sword and let his demonic blue flames free. He then attacked with great speed, taking out about half of the large group. Yukio quickly followed, taking out the rest of the group with his two small pistols.

"Nice one, bro!" Rin yelled as he ran back to where his brother was still standing."Thank you, Rin, but you really ought to be more careful. You could have hurt poor Shiemi here with your flames" Yukio scolded. "Ohh d-don't worry a-about me!" She stuttered, "I'm f-fine!" Rin then looked at Yukio and finished,"See! She's fine! And anyway, I totally kicked butt! Stop being such a worry wart, Yukio," He finished. "Fine." Yukio agreed, "But we have to hurry, class is about to start!"

Quickly, the two students and one teacher ran to class and were relieved that they made it, even if it was by the skin of there teeth. The three entered the small classroom. Yukio's expression quickly changed when he spotted Mephisto at the front of his class.

"To what is it we owe the pleasure this time.." he asked half heartedly, almost wishing he was somewhere else. "Well, funny you ask that," he soon replied, "I would like to borrow you and the rest of your class to help me with something." He said mischievously.

The entire class suddenly paused and waited to find out what terrible job was in store for them."What would you like assistance with?" Yukio asked, fearing the answer. After what felt like forever, the demonic head master finally answered, "I need help cleaning the entire of academy town."

Every one sighed a sad, sad sigh. "But why have we godda do it!" Shima asked through a groan. All of a sudden Shara and Kiro appeared in the room, confused and in a daze. Auddenly a blue vortex appeared directly above them,"Please tell me thats you, Okumara..." Konekomaru asked, getting quite worried by the sight.

Rin whispered just loud enough to be heard, "Could that be Satens blue flame?!" Rin automatically charged at the vortex, drawing out his Koma blade. The vortex then started sucking and pulled the others through with him...


"Where are we?" Shiemi said, beginning to get up. "I don't know," Replied Konekomaru, just as confused as the rest of the group. In front of them was a large building with the words 'Fairy Tail ' written on it, people had just started exitting it to see what the commotion was. Next to them was a large ship (which looked a bit like a demented pirate ship with a strange flag) with about 9 or 10 people (if they could be called that) starring at them.

Next time, on 'The Anime Smackdown': All the wizards in fairy tale were starting the day the usual way, with Natsu and Gray fighting, and as always everyone joined in. But suddenly everything goes quite as Erza walks in. And as usual she bashes the two knuckle headed wizards together. Every thing is going as normal when happy suddenly flush in yelling about people appearing out of nowhere!

Please tell me the truth, I suck at this don't I!! Please forgive my awfulness!! I was surprised that people actually read the first chapter so went at my top speed to wright another:) my top spread, 8 words per minute!!! I am so slow:( welp, thanks for reading:)

Anime Smackdown(a Bleach, One Piece, InuYasha, Fairy Tail and Blue Exorcist FF)Where stories live. Discover now