New Developments

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Last time on 'The Anime Smackdown': As everyone calmed down, some from laughing fits and others from yelling for no particular reason, master went to the front and was about to continue when he noticed something: every one was mingled with each other! They were out of there separated, seclude groups and talking and getting along!

Master continued looking around in shock, intill, that is, a certain knuckle headed fire dragon slayer decided it was the perfect time to start a fight. With the one with tattoos and no shirt. Who was also using flames. Wait what?! He thought worriedly.

~Before fight-With Natsu~

Natsu watched as Erza and the kid continued arguing. He was bored, so he had decided to go talk to the pirates again. They seem fun, he thought as he began walking towards them, Gray following. "Where do you think you're going, flame brain?" He asked, trying to get him angry. "Shut up, you stupid stripper! Go put on some clothes!" He came back, referring to the fact he was currently in nothing but his boxes. "Ah! Where did they go?!" He called out, realising also.

Ignoring the idiotic stripper, Natsu continued until he reached the group. "I'm bored..." He heard Luffy say. "Hay! Me too!" Natsu called out, The group, hearing this, all turned around to face him. "Yay! I'm so bored~ wanna do something fun?" Luffy asked childishly. Then 'Nami' (if Natsu remembered correctly) hit him on the head. "Oi!" She yelled quietly, as so no one else could hear, "Quieten down, Luffy! You're going to attract unnecessary Attention!" As the words flew through her mouth, Ace lifted his head.

"Ahhh, good morning..." Ace said, stretching his arms out. Suddenly, Robin walked up to him. "Excuse me, Ace, I apologize for prying, but I noticed that, when you arrived, not only were you slightly hurt, but you seemed shocked by the sunlight, and were obviously quite surprised to be outside. Sorry if I am prying, Ace." She spoke randomly. "Huh?" Natsu and Luffy said in unison, obviously confused.

Ace sighed. "I really didn't want to tell you... But wait, you weren't here the last time I saw Luffy!" He spoke, attempting to change the topic. Suddenly, Natsu ran up to him. "I challenge you to a fight!" He said loudly. "This is going to be so fun!" He finished excitedly. "You should, Ace!" Luffy cheered on. "Shut up, Luffy!" Nami yelled, hitting him on the head. "That's a horrible idea!" She concluded angrily. "But why not?" He whined back.

Before anything else could be said, Ace and Natsu started to fight. "Fire Dragon, Iron Fist!" Natsu yelled, as he aimed his flaming fist at Ace's face, but before he could hit, Ace stepped back, and aimed his hand forward like a gun, and started firing shots of flames. As the fire hit the ground surrounding Natsu, it grew, before Natsu ate it. "Alright! Now I have a fire in my belly!" Natsu said. "So cool!" Luffy cheered, as he watched Natsu eat the flames. "Fire Dragon, Roar!" Natsu called as his cheeks expanded, before releasing a huge amount of concentrated flames towards Ace. In response, Ace turned himself into flames, and absorbed the attack.

"Not to bad." Ace stated. "You're pretty good yourself." Natsu replied smugly. Suddenly, as if on queue, a large scary giant, which suspiciously resembled the master, came between the fight.

"What do you think you're doing?!" He all but screamed. Almost every one had turned to watch now, including those not from Fiore. "Hey, big guy!" Ace called out to him.

Almost immanently, he started shrinking back down. "Why hello, there!" The master spoke, as he had just returned to normal size. "I'm sorry, but it's your group's turn." He stated, matter-of-factly.

"Okay than!" Luffy said, a little too loudly. "My name is Monkey D. Luffy! And I'm gonna be king of the pirates!" He shouted across the guild hall, everybody hearing. "Hay! Nami, you should go next! Tell them how much you like money!" He spoke childishly to the orange haired woman.

Anime Smackdown(a Bleach, One Piece, InuYasha, Fairy Tail and Blue Exorcist FF)Where stories live. Discover now